Rinoa Heartilly
Height:5'3 1/2"
DoB: March 3
Blood Type: ?
Weapon: Blaster Edge
Limit Break: Combine,Angel Wing
A beautiful spiritd young woman. A lively individual with the ability to touch people's hearts. Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven by her ambitions, she can be difficult at times.

Rinoa is a member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls". She fights against the Galbadian President, Vizer Deling, whose dictatorship has caused great suffering in her homeland for far too long. She meets up with Squall at a dance, and becomes a party member after they meet again on a train. Her best freind is her dog Angelo, and he helps in battle during Rinoa's Limit Breaks.

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Limit Breaks
Rinoa has 2 limit breaks, Combine and Angel Wing. She gets Angel Wing 3/4 into the game.

Rinoa's Pet Dog, Angelo, comes to the battle and randomly performs a move that he knows, during Rinoa's Limit or just randomly.. Angelo can learn new tricks by reading the Pet Pals Magazine. After you read it, go to the Angelo status screen, then select the new trick that you just read about. There should be a bar next to it with nothing filled in. As you walk around, the bar will slowly get filled in, and when it is full, Angelo can now perform that trick. There are 6 Pet Pal Magazine that can be found.
Trick Name            Learned In         Trick Effect
Angelo Rush                   Starts With                Damages one enemy/random counterattack
Angelo Recover               P.P.Vol.2                  Restore HP to a member with low HP/random
Angelo Reverse                P.P.Vol.4                  Revive Member from KO/random
Angelo Search                 P.P.Vol.6                  Find Items during Battle/random
Angelo Cannon                Starts With                Damages all enemies/when called
Angelo Strike                   P.P.Vol.1                  Damages one enemey/when called
Invincible Moon               P.P.Vol.3                  All members become invincible/when called
Wishing Star                    P.P.Vol.6                  Damage all enemies multiple times/when called

Angel Wing
When Rinoa does Angel Wing, she goes into a situation similar to Berserk, only that she only uses magic. Rinoa will be uncontrollable for the rest of the battle or until she dies. Her magic power and Speed is raised, and all the magic she randomly uses does not come from the stocked magic.

Rinoa's Vital Stats by Level
I got this info from the FF8 official Strategy Guide. These are the stats for Rinoa when she is not junctioned. I made the text different colors so you can
see them easier.

LV        HP         STR       VIT       MAG       SPR     SPD      LUCK
1          217          1             0            8            3         20           16
10         610         10            5            15          8          22           17
20        1038        19            10          22           14       24           17
30        1458        27            14          29           19       25           18
40        1871        35            18          35           24       27           19
50        2275        42            21          41           28       28           19
60        2672        48            24          46           31       30           20
70        3061        54            26          51           34       32           20
80        3443        59            28          55           36       33           21
90        3816        64            30          59           38       35           22
100      4181        67            31          63           39       36           22

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