Squall Leonhart
DoB:August 23
Blood Type:AB
Special Skill:Renzokuken
The taciturn and reluctant hero. A cadet in SeeD, the special combat unit of the Balamb Garden Military Academy. His aloof and anti-social behavior makes himappear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity. Squall dislikes having others involved in his affairs and is best described as a lone wolf. He changes as the story progresses, as he starts to think about himself and falls in love with Rinoa.

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Limit Breaks
Squall's limit break is Renzokuken, which means "Repeating Sword" or "Consecutive Sword" in Japanese. In this Limit, Squall will perform several Gunblade attacks, and they can be strengnthend if you press R1 at the right time, which is when the light enters the small box. Squall will ramdonly do finishing attacks, and their are four of them depending on what weapon you have. There isn't a lot of difference in the damage these attacks cause, except the Lionheart.

Rough Divide
Squall charges at a simgle enemy and performs a rising slash.

Fated Circle
After leaping into the air, Squall twirls his Gunblade and releases a shockwave of energy that hits all the enemies.

Blasting Zone
A column of light shoots out of Squall's Gunblade, which goes really high up. He brings it down and crushes his enemies.

Lion Heart
The ultimate move in any Final Fantasy game that has been created so far. Squall brings a single foe up in the air, and then unleashes a devastating flurry of attacks. Squall attacks the enemy a total of 18 times, plus the regular Renzokuken. This will kill most enemies, and even the final boss can be beaten with a few of these.

Squall's Vital Stats by Level
I got this info from the FF8 official Strategy Guide. These are the stats for Squall when he is not junctioned. I made the text different colors so you can
see them easier.

LV        HP         STR       VIT       MAG       SPR     SPD      LUCK
1          223          1             1            2            1         20           15
10         616          8             8            8            7         22           16
20        1044        15            14          15           13       24           16
30        1464        21            19          21           18       25           17
40        1877        27            24          27           22       27           18
50        2281        32            28          31           26       29           19
60        2678        36            32          35           29       30           19
70        3067        40            35          39           32       32           20
80        3449        43            37          42           33       34           21
90        3822        46            39          44           35       35           21
100      4187        47            41          45           36       37           22

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