Books I have read (And recommend as well)
Achebe, Chinua- Things Fall Apart
Anthony, Piers- A spell for Chameleon, Castle Roogna, Night Mare, Dragon on a Pedestal, Harpy Thyme,                        Faun and Games, Vale of the Vole
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia- In the Forests of the Night
Baker, E.D.- The Frog Princess
Black, Holly- Tithe
Braun, Lilian Jackson-  The Cat Who Wasn't There
Bray, Libba- A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels
Brennan, Herbie- Faerie Wars, The Purple Emperor
Browne, N.M.- Warriors of Alavna
Cabot, Meg / Carroll, Jenny- The Princess Diaries, Princess in the Spotlight, Princess in Love, Princess in                  Waiting, All American Girl, Shadowland, Ninth Key, Reunion, Darkest Hour, Haunted, Twilight
Chester, Deborah- The Sword, The Ring, The Chalice, The Queen's Gambit
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Crichton, Michael- Jurassic Park
Colfer, Eoin- Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl: the Arctic Incident, Artemis Fowl: the Eternity Code, The                       Wishlist
Curley, Marianne- Old Magic, The Named, The Dark
Fielding, Helen- Cause Celeb, Bridget Jones's Diary, Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason
Fisher, Catherine- The Oracle Betrayed
Foster, Alan Dean- For Love of Mother-Not, Dinotopia Lost, The Hand of Dinotopia
Frank, Anne- The Diary of Anne Frank (translated by B.M. Mooyaart)
Funke, Cornelia- The Theif Lord
Garden, Nancy- Dove and Sword
Geras, Adele- Troy
Greggory, Philippa- The Other Boleyn Girl
Goodkind, Terry- The Sword of Truth novels, 1-6
Hanley, Victoria- The Seer and the Sword, The Healer's Keep
Herbert, Frank- Dune
Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha
Homer- The Iliad
Hurston, Zora Neale- Their Eyes Were Watching God
Jacques, Brian- Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, The Outcast of Redwall
Jr., Neal Barrett- Dungeons and Dragons
Kafka, Franz- The Metamorphosis
Kerr, Katherine- Daggerspell
King, Stephen- The Shining, Pet Sematary, The Stand, The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon, Cujo, The Eyes                       of the Dragon, The Dead Zone, Salem's Lot, The Gunslinger
Le Guin, Ursula K.- A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Fartheset Shore, Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea
Lewis, C.S.- The Cronicles of Narnia
Lickiss, Rebecca- Never After
Martin, George R.R.- A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings
McCaffrey, Anne- Black Horses for the King, Dragonflight, Dragonquest, The White Dragon, Acorna: the                      Unicorn Girl
McKilp, Patricia A.- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
McKinley, Robin- The Hero and the Crown, The Blue Sword, Spindle's End, The Outlaws of Sherwood,                       Beauty
Meyer, Carolyn- Mary, Bloody Mary; Beware Princess Elizabeth
Napoli, Donna Jo- Beast
Nix, Garth- Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Shade's Children, The Ragwitch
Paolini, Christopher- Eragon, Eldest
Pierce, Tamora- Song of the Lioness Quartet, Immortals Quartet, Protector of the Small, Trickster's                     Choice, Trickster's Queen, The Circle of Magic Quartet,  The Circle Opens Quartet, The Will of                the Empress
Pullman, Philip- The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass
Rand, Ayn- The Fountainhead
Rapp, Adam- The Copper Elephant
Rhue, Morton- The Wave
Rowling, J.K.- Harry Potter 1-5
Rennison, Louise- Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging; On the Bright side, I'm now the Girlfriend of                a Sex God; Knocked out by my Nunga-Nungas; Dancing in my Nuddy-Pants
Seirstad, Asne - The Bookseller of Kabul
Shinn, Sharon- Summers at Castle Auburn, Wrapt in Crystal
Sweeney, Joyce- The Spirit Window
Tingle, Rebecca- The Edge on the Sword
Tolkein, J.R.R.- The Hobbit, and part of Fellowship of the Ring
White, T.H.- The Sword in the Stone, The Once and Future King
Wesley, Kathryn- The 10th Kingdom
Wrede, Patricia C.- Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons, Talking to                             Dragons
Yolen, Jane- Dragon's Blood
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