About Me
Melissa Grimes
This is a little about me...
That is me with my Fiance`, Joe.  Ain't he cute?!
He is the most wonderful person you would ever want to meet.
We actually found each other on the net, although we went to high school together.
But we fell fast in love and now the rest is history.  We are getting married
May 11, 2002.
I have been married once before, but he wasn't a very nice person.  But he is the reason
I decided to make this website.
I had gone through a deep depression after I left him.  More to the fact was that I had to realize he never loved me.  He just wanted me to think he did.
So when I figured this out, I left.
Keanu was kind of a inspiration I guess.
I was always a fan of his (ever since Bill & Ted).
But never really "knew" him until I started reading about him.
When I realized all the things he had gone through as a kid & a grown up, it amazed me.
And he made it through everything.
And has been very sucessful in his films and band.
Then this site became a type of theropy for me.  Everytime I would get down, I would jump on the computer and start looking for ANY picture that had Keanu in it.
That is why I have so many pictures on here.
Now I am doing this for fun.
I am over any depression I felt and have moved on to bigger and better things.
I have a wonderful job doing surgery at a Childrens Hospital.
I have the most amazing man standing by me for the rest of my life.
I have never known happiness.
So for those of you who don't believe in fairytales,
they really do come true.
Take it from me,
I am living in one...
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