Song Playing is
"Angels Among Us"



I have learned in a HUGE way, since coming to the "Net" that:
there are "Friends" and there are "Acquaintances"
There are differences between those two words and the meaning.

I am sure as most of you know * Net Friendships * are different than Physical, real world Friendships, because you do not have face to face contact to see the emotions and to see this person often. You are relying on the words over the computer that someone tells you to be true. Most, but not all, are going to be true and who they say they are.

However, Im sure as you honest people know out there, Sadly... there are those people who are really not going to be good, and they are not going to have our interest and feelings in their heart. Thats ok though. If you will read further to know what I have learned,
I wanted to share some things with you.

Don't let anyone else allow you to underestimate yourself or doubt yourself, because you know who you are and where your heart is. If your a True, Loving, and Honest person, it is shown over "Time". Above ALL, God knows who you are and your intentions.
Friends are wonderful, and I truly am very Thankful for each special friend that has been brought to my life. Consequently, when we try to make our life complete and whole from another person "it does NOT work". Not with a Spouse or Family Member(s). It does not work when we try and do that with Friends either. I keep my expectations of what I expect from another person -small- because when we try and "label" what some-one is suppose to be to us, they usually end up "falling short" of what we felt they should of been. We then feel hurt and discouraged.

The Lord Jesus is the ONLY way to make your life "Whole" and "Complete", with-out void.

Some wonderful Friendships are created over the Net and when you find those Special people that God has brought you together with for a lifetime, you are very Thankful for his Blessing of Net Friends.

We all have (more or less) a different meaning of what a Friend is suppose to be ( there are "Friends" and there are "Acquaintances" ) as we are all different, with different ways of thinking and thoughts. It is not only important to God, but also you as a person what kind of Friends you choose to have in your life forever. You are not wrong for having your
thoughts and views and for following them.

For me, Friendship is "Trust" and "Respect" for each other. Without Trust and Respect, in my Friendships, I can not be the best Friend to someone that I can be, because when we spill our hearts content to our Friend(s), we should be able to relax and tell each other inner feelings, dreams, and share without the fear of things being twisted around and repeated to others. We should just have a confidence that this Friend would never betray us and would always seek the best for us and always remain Loving. True Friendships, as with any other area of our lives, require work and forgiveness.

Everyone that does pass through in our lives, I believe is for reasons. There is not anything, that someone can't leave us with, that didn't teach us something and help us along the path God has created for us.

I am Thankful for all of the Net Friends who have touched my life, whether the Friendship lasted or left us going separate ways. We should not hold bad thoughts to those that have not remained in our lives, just pray for them and wish them well as we go onto to our path in life.

God will "always" Bless us with Friendships that he wants to be created for a lifetime. God will keep his hand in those relationships and continue to plant seeds of Love between those people that he wants to remain Friends.

For any of you who have been hurt or mislead by someone, this saying really helped me alot. I wanted to share it with you:

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to
whom you open your heart.

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."


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