Poems To My Husband Banner

Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

To You, My Love, I Vow

To you, my love, I vow....

Be my strength,
and I will be the same for you.

Like a mirror, I will reflect the
love you so freely give.
Like the infinite circles that
ripple forth in water
pierced by a stone,
I will radiate the happiness
you bring to my soul.
In times of darkness,
I will cling to the
memories of our unity
and provide you with inner visions
of this same bond to be your faith....

In times of sorrow,
I will be your comfort
and divide your grief by sharing it...
In times of joy,
I will rejoice in our love
and encompass you with every tenderness.
Together or apart,
I will cherish
everything about you
with all my heart.

Be my strength,
and I will be the same for you.

By Karen Jessie

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