Poems To My Husband Banner

Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

The Love We Share

The love we share is more
than ordinary love.
We do things for each other
that make our love
so much fun.
Giving to you,
and making you happy,
makes me feel happy, too....

You are truly a wonderful man.
You have a gentle heart
that I promise never to hurt.
I treasure our openness
and our heart-to-heart talks;
they are so special to me.
I have shared with you
all that I truly am;
I have given you my truest feelings.
Above all, I cherish us ~
knowing that you are a part of me
and I am a part of you.
I am very fortunate
to have you in my life.
You are the one person
I will never forget,
the companion I will
always share things with,
and the man I will love forever.

by Kristina L. Dobbins

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