Rick Colburn

This page is dedicated in fond memory to our friend and fellow Leon Russell fanatic, Rick Colburn.  Jesus took Rick home after a very short illness on July 14, 2001.

Rick was and will remain the catalyst that significantly contributed to Leon Russell's fan base on the Internet over the last three years.  In 1998 he was the first person to post to the newly created Leon Russell Mailing List, founded and co-moderated by Marcia Bilynsky.  He sought out and gathered us Leon fans who were wandering lost upon the Internet to what at one time was called the "Onelist".

He collected links to Leon information and lyrics to Leon's songs.  It was through his efforts to circulate these links to as many fans as he could that we met online.  Rick showed me that there was interest in Leon links.  Inspired by his efforts, I created the first page of this site, a large collection of Leon links.

This could not have come at a better time in my life as I needed something to put my energies into after some setbacks at work.  I was concerned that Rick might feel that I had intruded upon his turf but to the contrary, he cheered me on.  He then recruited me to join the Leon Russell Mailing List. Up to this time you could count the number of Leon fans I had contact with on one hand. Thanks, Rick!

Rick also had the best collection of Leon Russell lyrics and sheet music of any fan.  Many times I would get requests for Leon lyrics.  I'd forward these requests to Rick and he was always thrilled to receive and act on them.  I'm sure he added a "come join the Onelist" with each reply.  He once jumped hurdles to fax the sheet music for Leon's "A Song for You" to a record producer in New York.  Just to help someone who appreciated Leon's music and to help Leon's music get heard.

Before the Leon Russell Mailing list, the only place Leon fans could meet online was the guest book at Mike Ayling's excellent Leon site.  While this was great for spreading Leon information, it didn't allow much in the way of interconnection among the fans posting there.  On the mailing list we got to know each other and form bonds with other Leon fans from around the world.

The Onelist grew and became more than a mailing list. Largely through Rick's efforts, it became a family. Through all of this Rick was our leader, cheer leader, and councilor; our ambassador and biggest recruiter; a trickster and prankster; and when tempers flared, he would be the calm soothing voice of reason that we all needed.

He is missed very much.

- MergeOp
  July 2001

Thanks to Linda Donley for allowing the use of her photo of Rick.

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