merripestin at gmail dot com
aim: merripestin

merripestin's fanfic

jump to: Babylon 5 1 | Blakes 7 1 | Doctor Who 12 | Jeeves & Wooster 1 | Lord of the Rings 8
The Mikado 1 | One Foot In The Grave 1 | Robin of Sherwood 1 | The Talisman 1

Babylon 5:

Cold Sleeper
(G, sonnet, Ivanova/Marcus)

Russian nights are legend, bright and bleak.

Blakes 7:

And In His Turn
(G, drabble)

despite their claims about drugs his mind seems no clearer.

Doctor Who:

Accident? Accident? ACCIDENT?
(G, 6 & Peri, Accident challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

"This, my girl, was deliberate and malicious sabotage!"

But She Meant to Do It
(G, Ace, Accident challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

she ruined the comforter and burned her hands,

Crumble Cake
(R, Ace/Benny, NA Continuity, 1000 words)

Ace was having one of her bad weeks -- the nasty little grunts and growls when she demanded feeding should have been a dead giveaway.

(G, Doctors 1-7, Sandman Crossover. Seven crossover challenge drabbles for lj:dw100)

Winner 2004 Adric: Best Drabble thank you!

Recently, unmentioned to the children, he has gone blind.

Flash of Light and Gone
(G, Ace, wish challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

She crawled across the shuddering floor into the escape pod

Hearts Like Camels
(G, mirage challenge drabble/double cinquenta for lj:dw100)

He dreams reaching back, calling the name he once spoke every day

I Can't Stand
(G, 3, Hate challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

"I'm not the Tea Lady," she'd protested that first day, but she'd always done a good job making it anyhow.

If I Pour Your Cup
(G, 7 & Ace, Alien challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

Her voice is an offhand mauve, blooming faintly affectionate red at the edges.

In Need of Rolled Up Newspaper
(G, Romana & K9, Accident challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

"Now, really, K9. This has to stop."

Never Blame on Malice
(G, Turlough & Tegan & 5, Accident challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

He hadn't even known what the wire was.

Terrible Places
(G, 3, Hate challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

He'd have to find a vehicle for himself on Earth soon.

"Yeah, I know what an allegory is," said Ace.
(G, Ace, 7?, Love challenge drabble for lj:dw100)

There once was a man who married goldfish.

Jeeves and Wooster:

Fashion Policeman
(R, drabble, Jeeves/Wooster)

Folded beneath his undervests were a pair of silky pyjamas in an perfectly unspeakable heliotrope.

Lord of the Rings:

Always to me my time has seemed too brief
(G, Aragorn/Arwen, pantoum)

Autumn flies too fast, and war prepares.

(G, drabble, implied Frodo/Sam)

"Don't you think that one of the roses turned out particularly well?"
"Frodo, lad, you can't -see- the roses in that one."

Choices Unconsidered
(R, AU, death, horror, 8,400 words)

This fic is not suitable for decent persons.

Shaking with sobs, he clung to Sam's cold corpse, burrowing his face into Sam's grubby neck for the small lingering comfort of Sam's scent, stale and unwashed and now beyond all price.

(G, One Ring Challenge, implied F/S, AU, horror, postquest, 950 words)

The first time he said, "I love you, Frodo," with my mouth, it stopped being true.

(R, POV:Gollum, F/S, voy, TTT, 1300 words)

We like to watch this part, don't we precious? Master sits up and he puts his mouth on Sam-hobbit's neck and Sam-hobbit makes a hundred little sounds like hurting, and he begs, yes, he begs to the Master. We can pretend they are real biteses, can't we? We can pretend Sam-hobbit bleeds and dies from biteses, and won't be cruel to poor Smeagol ever again.

The Last Shreds of Autumn
(R, F/S, quest-time, 16,600 words)

"Strider, is he -- " Pippin began, and then turned away, leaving the question there like a fruit he'd begun to eat and found the first bite rotten. Pippin rose when Merry returned and together they wrapped the blankets around Frodo as best they could, still leaving the left shoulder uncovered for Strider to work at, though what anyone thought Strider could do now when he'd not been able to do a thing all the days and nights before, Sam couldn't think. Sam stroked his master's face, another a familiarity he'd once never have dared, especially with Frodo's Quality kin looking on, not to mention Man and Elf; but since the night those terrible riders had come, he'd been taking care of his master as best he knew how, with hardly a thought for propriety.

(G, POV:Nob, quest-time, 900 words)

We had us a fine bit of a talk, when Mr. Butterbur weren't after me to fetch and carry, though he had that funny way of rolling his words half-over, like they do in the Shire, and weren't til he'd said it half a dozen times I understood he was saying gardener and not gander.

Wild Creatures
(R, implied F/S, solo, voy, Shire-romp, prequest, 900 words)

Frodo was expecting a baby bird, perhaps, or a rabbit the cat had been at.


Lots of Good Fish in the Sea
(G, Katisha/Pitty-Sing, 550 words)

Perhaps she was only lonely for Yum-Yum. I cannot say. But on Tuesday she came to me and while we argued over bolts of silk, she touched my right elbow, lightly, with two soft little fingers.

One Foot in the Grave:

Doing Something
(PG, Margaret/Glynis, double drabble)

A paperback book she'd ordered came in a 52"x40x"32" box.

Robin of Sherwood:

In Silence
(G, drabble)

Brighter she burns now, and lovelier, in her sorrow.

The Talisman:

(R, Richard/Jack, Richard/Other, post-journey, AU, 4200 words)

Richard sometimes vibrates within himself like a perfect Stradavarian chord of almost-memory, when Jack passes by.

[27 stories]


lj icon collection at greatestjournal

fanfic and fanart

p. q. laertes: the fake book
o melton: furry feet, beery kisses
cara loup: bit of light
bill the pony: bill's paddock
cimorene: sordid fancy
adrienne: flowers in a lightningstorm
thia: at whether or no
library of moria
whether or no
bit of earth
the watcher's compound
satyricon au go go
a teaspoon and an open mind
timelord archive
the steam tunnels

fun with fandom

the many gay pants of fandom
uncle unlimited

other places

dover books
best of rhod
devil's dictionary

All Lord of the Rings elements created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Babylon 5 elements created by JMS. Jeeves and Wooster elements created by P.G. Wodehouse. The Mikado elements created by Gilbert and Sullivan. Robin of Sherwood elements created by Richard Carpenter. The Talisman elements created by Peter Straub and Stephen King.
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