These poems I wrote are about Angels and the great
Love they bring from God and how they bless our lives.
I hope you enjoy my poetry and graphic design on these pages.


Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.

Below is a link to my other web sites.
Click on the angel picture and go to site.

Main Index To All My Sites

Fantasy And Children Poetry Index

Friendship Poetry Index

Furry Friends Poetry Index

Heros And Patriotic Poetry Index

Inspirational Poetry Index

Mothers And Women's Poetry Index

My Poetry Friends Site Index
Poetry Written By My Friends

Romantic Poetry Index

Short Stories Index

Family Index
Poems I Wrote To Members Of My Family

Twins Index
A Site Made With Pictures Of Sarah And Scott


Home Bio Page-About Me Email Me

Click here to mail this page to a friend

All songs throught my websites are for my evaluation(s) and/or music
listening and educational purposes only. All copyrights holders still retain
any and all of their rights. Please support all recording artists by purchasing
their CD's/Tapes. No financial gain is made by this website; just music appreciation

I wrote most of the poetry on this site and retain my copyright,
and the rest was written by my friends and used with their permission
except for one or two I received via email author unknown. I designed
the graphics on all pages from pictures on graphic disk, scanned
pictures and some I have received in my email. I claim no rights
to pictures on my site, all artist retain their copyright,
except for photoes of my family and I would like to ask
that my family photoes not be removed without my permission.
I happen to appreciate art for it's beauty and I have bought
Many prints and art books, please support the artist
And buy their art to observe and decorate your home.



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