Deepavali Bori Lakshimi Pooja



His Holiness Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj ,Ponnamaravathi,Puthukottai,South India

1) 32 Ahgal Villakus
    Early morning before sunrise, on Deepavali day have at least 32 Ahgalvillakku or candles lighted in the whole house(ensure safety).This is to bring divinity into our homes.
2) Special Number Yantra for Deepavali
Special Number Yantra for Deepavali will give wealth & Health. On the night of Deepavali (Ammavasya night) draw the number Yantra given on the wall of your prayer room / alter, office or shop. The yantra should be drwan from a mixture of Shaffron(Kumkuma poo),Kasturi power(Manjal), Santhanam,Javvaathu with Rose water.Draw with a new brush or peacock feather.


7 2 81 74
6 79 3 60
1 8 75 80
78 70 5 4

Bori Lashimi Yantra

3) Bori Lakshimi Yantra & Mantra for immense wealth
Also on the night of Deepavali ,draw the Bori Lakshimi Yantra below on the wall of your prayer room / altar. The yantra should be drawn from a mixture of saffron, (Kungkuma Poo), Kasturi powder, Santhanam ,Javvaathu with Rose Water. Draw with a new brush or a peacock feather. In a tray have acoins(16 or 21 or 54 or 108) place in front of the yantra. After 9th day day you can spend the coins. This prayer will bring immense wealth.
4) Mantra
    "Bori Lakshimi Devi Laxmi siddhi karini mam bhandarpuri kriyam swaha"
     Chant the above mantra 125 x for 9 days.
And also chant any one of the following mantras:-
    Satguru Hanuman / Ram Ram Hanuman / Jaya Jaya Hanuman.
Note:In the centre square write the name of the husband & wife or individual

Note : In the centre square write the name of the husband & wife or individual

Note: In the centre square write name of the husband & wife

5) Do simple Lakshimi Pooja
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