Major Planetary Movements for 2007

Saturn 11/1/2007 moves to Kataka Retrograde
Saturn 20/4/2007 Become Direct
Saturn 16/7/2007 moves to Simha
Jupiter 7/04/2007 Retrograde (Vakram)
Jupiter 7/8/2007 become direct
Mars 9/1/2007 to Dhanus
Mars 19/2/2007 to Magaram
Mars 30/03/2007 to Kumbam
Mars 8/05/2007 to Meenam
Mars 17/6/2007 to Mesham
Mars 30/07/2007 Rishabam
Mars 17/9/2007 to Mithunam
Mars 16/11/2007 Vakram



Begining of the year 2007 12:00am Kuala Lumpur


Ven Sat/Ketu




Jup Mars    



Jupiter will transit 8th place, Saturn will transit 4& 5 place, Rahu & Ketu 5th and 11th place. Jupiter does not augur well for you in the 2007.Jupiter transit in the 8th place will reduce your luck and prosperity, there will be disappointments, worries and health will become major concern. You will not get what you expected this year to its maximum. However Jupiter will aspect your 12th house of expenditure will curtail or check on your unnecessary expenditure. You may need watch for litigation or court cases, you have to be more cautious dealing with inherited property as Saturn will be retrograde in the beginning of the year in the 4th house, mother health and domestic happiness may not be as expected. However Jupiter will aspect the house of kutumba will reduce a lot tension at home. Your Finance capabilities will increase in the mist of stagnant return of money. Rahu will protect you a lot in finical matter, you will progress well. You will be on the move all the time, quite restless and irritated. Try to calm down and sort out things and organize your self good rewards are waiting for later part of next year.



Rishaba Rasi, You will gain a lot this year, Your problem will start solving one by one Short term business will bring in money. You may have to reconsider partnership in contracts. Your financial status will come from your spouse. Harmony will prevail in the family Your elder brother will gain. It time to find good partner in life. Delayed marriage issues will be solved. You will gain from static business in one place rather than on the move always. Jupiter aspects lagna, illness will improve, chronic illness will heal with very little effort You may have to employ a bit of trick in your business deals, a foreigner may give you problem, you can manage him with a bit of Vasyam. A lot compromise will come in partnership. Always consult and seen advice of your close friends and your spouse. You will be very courage's, good cooperation from brother. You  will be brave. You need to be a bit cautious whenever seeking advice from your mother as Ketu in the fourth will disturb your domestic happiness. Beginning of the year Saturn being retrograde will be aspect by Mars will cause danger to the co born  and mother. Your neighbours will not cooperate well with you for some six months. If you are dealing with printing matters and journalism, be careful with what you publish. You can deal with supplies to libraries after retrograde of certain over. Be careful about a intruder in business.


Jupiter in the 6th transit, don't find fault with your spouse or over indulge her in activities. You will seek unnecessary enemies. Monetary matters will  cause a bit of tension as Saturn being in the 2nd house. Be cautious in borrowing and lending money or signing contracts. Jupiter aspect 10th place, you will do well in your profession in the mist of dissatisfaction because of your industries nature. You mind will ponder a lot in order to safe gourd your prestige. Jupiter aspect your 2nd Bhava, you can deals things a better after a bit of explanation. You word may be wrong interpreted so please insert a bit divine essence and philosophical outlook Saturn transit 2nd house, please take take of your good food always take fresh food avoid frozen meet.  Rahu in the 11th house, You enjoy unexpected wealth, you may get large lump of money later part of next year. Ketu in the 3rd house will make good in spiritual insight and super intelligent



As Saturn become retrograde beginning part of the year and  will transit janma rasi, you will be overworked, more load of responsibility will be given to you, you will tend to catch with time. This will cause irritation. You will be worried about your status qua, loose confidence in your performance. But the best part is that Jupiter will aspect your Janma  rasi and transiting your fifth house. Jupiter will bring splendid results in this transit. You will able get good name and fame this year. There will be success in speculation. Money will flow in. Your children will succeed in many things. You will generally gain more this year Keep up hard work. You will regain mental synergy after good prayers. Chant mantra often. Built up your courage. You  need to watch your health when Mars/Rahu conjunction and solar eclipse this year. Good news will come, you will get promoted this year. Rahu in the second house will make you over concern about financial matters. Take lottery you may strike lottery some where around may to Jun 2007.


Your Saturn transit will not be very favorable as in will transit the 12th house. It may unexpected expenditure, Close family member may fall ill. You will be worried for unnecessary events. Sleep pattern will be disturbed. You may have overseas trip an unexpected one. Do not speculate money listening to your partners. Your Jupiter transit 4th house, you have to engaged in educational matters or back to studies. Jupiter aspect your 10th house, you will your department confidently. Labour matter can be sorted out easily Do not drag meeting long, make it short and sweet Work with your workers you will get good cooperation, appreciate them, you will overcome the negative influence of Saturn. Rahu in the Rasi will give you a bit fearing complexity but you can overcome that with chanting of Mantras. Use diplomacy instead of command, you will succeed well. Avoid close relation with any women, she may misguide you. Do not listen to much to them, give them the honor to suggest things but revise their views. A Saturn will transit your Janma Rasi with Ketu, will bring your to height of philosophical taught. You will seek a higher spiritual order.



Kanya rasi people are very restless, there often talk more and do less. There are more interested in getting ready to start ventures but getting it to start will be delayed. They have flight of ideas, they will more productive if they can focus their mind in one thing. With Rahu moving to their 6th place is a get bonus to them. They will progress well in the first half of the year. Saturn moving to the 12th place in middle of the may put them in to trouble in money matters, legal matters and wandering nature You may be transferred to distance place. You children may be worry you But don't worry Jupiter aspect the 9th place, there will be divine help. Place photo of Gurus in your house facing the entrance. Get close to your Guru. Face problems as it arises, don't worry everything has a solution. Calm done, go to the source of the problem, you will succeed. In the first five month of the year you will money in an unexpected way, so put little money and take more but don't seek "A long". Why don't you try lottery around Jun to First of August. 2007.Watch your Mercury transit place card well basing on your transit of Mercury.



Saturn transit 10th house and later 11th house. Jupiter in the 2nd house. You will very progressive in your profession. Your hard work and determination will reward you well. Jupiter in the 2nd house, you can talk deal and enjoy success .New offers will come, you may be considering opening a new venture. Well go a head and work hard you will succeed. Happiness will prevail in the family, you wealth will increase progressively. Saturn retrograde in the 10th house, you may work to your maximum with overloading work and responsibility. You will catch up with your work because of your determination and confidence .With Ketu moving to your 11th house, you will easily overcome obstacle and reach your goal much easily then ever. Jupiter in the 2th house, It time to have a child ,you will be blessed with progeny. You will be under the promotion list. You will influence people better this year. If you are doing sales much progress will be attained. Rahu in the 5th and Saturn being Vakra in the beginning of the year, you may find difficulty in influencing children decision. Your mind may misguided as with Rahu influence in the house thinking Do not go to the extreme, you may have fearful dreams. Generally it will be a very progressive year.


Jupiter in Janma Rasi with Saturn Transit in the 9/10 house, Rahu in the 4th house watch for intruders into your house. Security should be updated. Watch black magic affecting your house and family property may change hands with tricks played. So take of your property, chant mantra and sprinkle the chanted water in and around the vicinity .Watch for entrance of reptile into the house around watery spots. Janma guru, you will be misunderstood by people, you will face much rejection. frustration will set in. Saturn transit in the ninth place early this year may reduce your religious faith and you will proclaim that destiny is our hands. Projection of ego will overrule you, reduce your self claim. In spite of these, Jupiter transit will aspect the 7th house. Your cooperation with business partners will improve, take advice of your spouse. Your children will do well as Jupiter aspect 5th house. Built your faith in Guru, Saturn will be aspect by Jupiter with its ninth aspect, so Saturn will be checked by Guru your position in religious foundation will be secure with grace of  guru.



Thanasu person are very slow and careful people, very good at aiming at other. Your Jupiter in the 12th place , so keep low profile, keep your expenditure under check. Don't play share market. You may loose position as result of over eagerness and lust. Take of your belonging otherwise you will loose your important position. Your enemies will take advantage of your poor judgment, don't over trust others, your enemy will within your department. Saturn transit 8th place in the beginning of the year, your scandals may be exposed, you may cover the matter with some logic. With Mars transit adverse for first 2 months, don't argue much with others. Your words may be taken wrong and you will be fixed up. But why you worry?, Your Rahu in the 3rd place will give all the courage that you need. You will overcome your hurdle with help of your brother and immediate friends. You will benefit from your neighbors. Ketu in the 9th place, pray to Ganapathi for guidance, keep faith in religious matters watch for father's health. If intended to go pilgrimage , well postpone it to later date.


Magaram rasi people, your Jupiter has moved to 11th house, Rahu placed in the 2nd place and Saturn vagram in the 7th house, later to 8th place middle of the year. A very prosperous year for you. You will promoted soon, it is just around the corner. You will succeed in many things. Better control of your senses. More logic and reasonable approach to your life. Wealth will increase. You will get pay increment this year. If you are in government service, this will be a good year to get rewarded. Saturn transit in the 7th house, you old love affairs will be reconsidered. Some will get married under karmic influence .You will get good respect , recognized by the mass. Long awaited problem will be solved in your favor. Leadership will be given to you. You may strike luck and anytime of the year, so be prepared. The second part of the Saturn moving to the 8th house, watch your health, take care of savings, be careful in matters of your finance and family. This year will be very progressive to you.


Kumban Rasi, Jupiter in the 10th house, Saturn favorable in the 6th house in the beginning of the year with Rahu in Janma Rasi. Jupiter in the 10th house will not augur well for you. Health will be affected, you may have to look for financial assistance and Jupiter in the 10th will put you in finical crisis. Do not do things that will affect your prestige. You will be burden with more work. Be kind to all, as we don't know when we may need his/her help. Sometimes you may feel that you are at wrong place or choice. Jupiter in the 10th transit may cause ill health, so take regular medication and follow medical advice .Those in administrative post need to get the opinion of others firs. Saturn in good transit at least half of the year. You can overcome your enemies with little effort. Illness will be cured, you need to be more cautious the second half of the the year. The month of Maasi(Feb15-Mac 15) more care to be taken as the Sun will cross Rahu, Your physical mental nature will be affected , constant headache may be a problem. Ketu transit in the 7th Rasi, be away from women, with Jupiter in the 10th house, you may be gossip to reality. Generally Kumbam Rasi require more over the second part of the year.



Meenam rasi people like to isolate them selves. But there are very self caring, very little time for society. Only out to get things when ever necessary. Jupiter in the 9th house is indeed very good transit. You will enjoy maximum luck based on your karma. Increase in wealth, fame, good ceremony at home, marriage will occur. Ladies will get good company. Those in legal profession will over shine. By the grace of God you may even will international award or go for long overseas trip. With Mars transit very favorable for first six month progress in wealth and money and landed matters will prove success. You will chosen as head of department. Saturn transit will very favorable in the second half of the year. In fact Meenam Rasi will enjoy maximum benefit these. You will enjoy better Guru blessing if you come forward to help religious organization. You may even succeed in building a new temple. Ketu in the 6th is superb. So Be happy and help others too.

His Holiness Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj

  • Write in a book the following mantra with faith "Om Satguru enathu graha dosham neenggi sagalamum sathgaya swaha". At least 21 times daily.
  • For Guru " Om Satguru, Metha Thatchana Moorthaye, enathu graha dosham nenggi sagalamum sathagaya swaha".
  • For Sani "Om Satguru, Saniswara Devaaye enathu graha dosham neeggi sagalamum sathagaya swaha"
  • "Om Satguru Nava Grahaya Vasi Vasi Sivaya Vasi ,Vasiye Siva" getting the mantra from Swami

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