
On  14/ 15-03-2006 coinciding withTues/ Wednesday, there will be penumbral lunar eclipse which be visible in the following regions America, Africa, Europe and Asia. The Asian will be able to view   eclipse as the moon sets. This eclipse will occur in the star Uttraphalguna, the equivalent star in modern astronomy Denobola. Uttraphalguna  starts from  26.40 in Leo(Simha) to 10 deg in Kanya. Hence it transcends two rasis.

The Lunar Eclipse will be interesting in sense that it starts in Leo and ingresses into Kanya as the eclipse progresses. Ingress point is important in the judgment of timing in mundane astrology. Some of the significance of this lunar eclipse is discussed below:-


Planetary Transit for Delhi as the moon enters penumbra


Sun 00:12

Rh 10:22



Mars 19:05




Mer ® 24:45


Planetary position for Delhi

As the eclipse sets in

15-03-2006 2:39am

Sat ® 10:51



Ven 14:10


Mn 29:06






Jup ®


Ecplise 00:17 Mn

Kt 10:22


The Atma karaka as the moon enters penumbra is Moon itself being 29:06 in Leo. The Position of Atmakaraka beng Navamsa of Dhanus , according to Jaimini Sutras:-


“Same vahanaducchaccha kramat patanam”. If the Atmakaraka joins the Navamsa of Dhanus, the person will have suffering and dangers from
falls, from conveyances, horses, etc., and also from elevated places like trees, houses, hills and mountains
(Atma Karaka in both the Charts in the moon)




Planetary Position for Delhi as Solar Ingress to Pisces (Meenam)



Sun 00.00

Rh 11:12



Mars 18:58




Mer ® 24:56


Planetary position for Delhi

as the sun ingress into Meenam

14-03-2006 @ 21:51


Sat ® 10:51



Ven 13:59


Mn 26:43





Jup ® 24:45

Lagna: 14:56




The traumatic Mars in the 8th place and 6th lord Jupiter in the Lagna is a great blemish to the chart as Mars in the 8th will cause more disharmony in domestic affairs.11th lord Sun with Rahu in the house enemy will create more anti government movement including religious extremism. The position of Mars in the ingress chart happen to be the Lagna in the Independence chart of India(Taurus with Rahu),and the rising lagna of the ingress chart happen to the 6th house to the independence chart of India where Jupiter was situated and currently in the same position in retrogression. These points, to difficult times awaits domestic politics of  India.


Astrological discussion


This eclipse starts with a royal sign of Leo and end at the prince sign of Mercury. Eclipse at the end of the  Leo and at the cuspal degree of kanya 00:17 degree  Kanya (Virgo)




Most of the planets at the time of the eclipse are in the 2/12 position which will not augur well for good luck.




The implication of a Papa Kartari Yoga for the moon, as the moon is caught in between the Saturn and Ketu, and the dispositor Sun in Conjunction of Rahu.




The moon will be aspect by violent Mars with its 4th aspect on the moon. In Navamsa too the moon will be in Dhanus, aspect by Mars from Mithunam  in opposition. Moon will have more Martian aspect in this lunar eclipse.




At least three planets will be in retrogression at the time of Eclipse basically Saturn®, Jupiter ®, Mercury ®.Squaring of Retrograde Saturn and Jupiter. An Exact Trigone aspect between retrograde Mercury and Retrograde Jupiter being 24:45 in particular rasi Kumbam and Thulam. Their lord Saturn for Kumbam and Venus for Thulam are in opposition aspect is a significant astrological point to note. 




The lord of the starting  eclipse(starting penumbra) point Sun, is in the  8th place from its own rasi, rendering him week.




Dispositer of The Sun / Rahu conjunction lord Jupiter is 8th place from the Pisces.




This lunar eclipse will involved two drekana in its progression, especially the Last Drekana of Leo and the First Drekana of Virgo.




It crosses the 5th house of the Zodiac to the 6th house of the Zodiac mainly involving the last navamsa of leo and first Navamsa of Kanya. The lords of Navamsa’s being Jupiter and Saturn.




Global implications:-


As the moon has more Martian aspect at the start of the eclipse, and both Martian/ Saturn aspects fall on the moon at the commencement of the eclipse, further opposition aspect of mercury from Saturn sign will tend make the global population into more panic situations/ more violence will be created by extremis groups to due over reaction of their mental faculties especially inflicted by phobias. More Killing as bomb blasting will occurs. 




Onset of the lunar eclipse starts in the signs of leo and the last drekana of simha is a Ayutha drekana, the ruler being Mars is discussed in Brihat Jataka as follows ‘A man with the head of a bear, with long curled berad, in disposition like monkey, he is armed with a club, and carrying fruits and flesh” this is quadruple drekana. This armed drekana depicts aggression inform multiple small duration man made disasters. The first drekana of Virgo ruler being Mercury is isthiri drekana as depicted in Birhat Jataka ,”A Beautiful virgin, holding a basket –full of flowers, limbs covered by dirty garments, fonts of money and wealth, looking forward to house of  father/guru ” do these foretell difficult times for women, looking for place to stay as nomads, victims of disasters.




According to Yavana Jataka by Yavanachaarya , Mars and the Moon produce a man who obtains fame on the battlefield; one whose actions are heroic and who is impatient of insult; a wrestler; an entrepreneur afflicted by a blood-disease; one who is an artisan with clay, leather, copper (loha), or iron (ayas). The world leader need to take amore sober and patience approach pertaining to the balance of power in the world politics.


Sun ingress into Pisces and moon ingress  Kanya occurs in the interval of  six hours and involving blooming full moon will get public attention into matters pertaining to the six house of the zodiac may put the public fear of matters involving diseases especially the sign of Leo and Virgo involved children health, moon depicts disease such as measles, smallpox which are viral origin. The Last Spanish flu 1918, had Saturn transit in Cancer, as approximate date given 11/3/1918.















Spanish Flu 11/03/1918


Sat ®












Jupiter in the sign of Venus (Current transit in Libra sign of Venus)

Saturn in Cancer (Watery) Retrograde position too, The onset of diseased pertaining to droplets transmission will get the attention of the medical fraternity.




Applying the explanation given Kalyanavarma in Saravali the last decanate of Leo may cause disaster “The last decanate there of will bring one's end through poison, weapons, calumny, or fall from heights. The moon will enter the first decanate of Virgo as Should the death decanate be the first decanate in Virgo, one's life will end due to diseases of the head, or by wind, (gale, hurricane, or outburst of violent wind).




A Good trine aspect of the Mercury® and Jupiter® will be put the journalist in the lime of the day. Articles and publications will have much impact and attraction of the public especially via mass communications.


The Star Uttraphalguni

This star owned by Sun, It symbolizes union, with opposite partner, primary through marriage as such in order to get wealth, It has 4 pathas, these are ruled by Jupiter (Dhanus Navamsa) 2,3 Pathas by Saturn(Magram, Kumbam) 4th Pada ruled by Jupiter(Meenam).The symbol of this star is bed, ruled by Aryaman , it is said he governs marriage contract. Those intend to get married should use this auspicious time to perform sadhana for Marriage or getting good life partner. Chanting the following mantra Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Kamalatharani Mahalakshimi Swaha “ will bring good life partner.


Implication for Rasis

The following Rasis has the eclipse occurring in the bad places. They 6, 8, 12,1,7 especially Mesham, Kumbam, Thulam, Kanya, Dhanus




Eclipse in the 6th place being 4th lord with Ketu   will domestic tension, illness  to mother and unexplained abdominal due to  vata, mental worries and fears.





Moon with Ketu transit the 5th place, worry about children’s, very cautious about things, very timid, cowardice attitude will prevail. Brother & Sister will get your attention.





Eclipse in the 4th house, general health will be harmed; buying properties will be a great burden on you. You may spend some money on domestic repairs of old debilitated building.





Eclipse occurs in the 3rd place, very concerned about short travels; neighbours will cause irritation, and watch for expenditure via relatives. Monetary matters will become an issue in causing family discord.





Ketu & Moon in the 2nd transit, loss of respect if you talk with double meaning, be sincere. Watch contamination of food, avoid arguments.





Eclipse in the Rasi Moon & Ketu conjunction, very restless, tensions, moody, effect of Kaba will increase, extreme coldness will prevail. Watch evil spirits, phobias will prevail, don’t over imagine.





12th transit of Moon with Ketu, unexpected expenditure, theft can happen, take of item can easily be misplaced, and loss of memory can happy, sleep disturbance will prevail. Unexpected distance travel or transfer may worry you.





The eclipse occurs at the 11th place, there will success in maters, distance travel will come by, gains, good news from ancestral matters.





Your position in your corporation will be reviewed; you think of jumping to another profession, your current position will be envied by others. However you will be attracted towards spiritualist.





The eclipse involves the 9th place from your rasi, good times to perform prayers to your ancestor, divine mother grace will have to fall on you, avoid wandering unnecessarily. Your mind will ponder around your profession.





The eclipse falls at the 8th place, need more care in handling legal issues and litigations, fear illness, watch high grounds, tall building ,there will be unexplained fear of the soul.





Eclipse occurs in the 7th transit, quarrels with partners, wrong indulgence with women, illegal relations. Partnership will get into trouble.





The Lunar eclipses which will start in Leo and ingress in Kanya will definitely have effects mundane affairs, all eclipses will have long lasting on the global matters. This eclipse occurs while three planets in vakra especially involving Saturn & Jupiter retrogression will certainly influence natural forces and man made disasters and sickness which have global implications.


Written finished 11-01-2005 @ 12:33pm




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