A Brief Note on :-

Saturn and Sun conjunction in Cancer 07-08-2006


Sun will meet his bitter enemy on 07-08-2006 in the sign of Cancer. Sun will ingress into Cancer on 16-07-2006.Saturn become combust on 18-07-2006 till 27-08-2006


Cancer –ruled by moon, the sign for tendency for mental to wave as the waning and waxing moon. Cancer ruled by watery sign and cardinal sign determines weather changes. In Hindu astrology it depicts southern course of the Sun the beginning Thatchanaya where the duration day light become diminished.


Planetary position on the day exact conjunction Saturn & Sun in Kataka



Rh 03:28










Date of Conjunction Sun & Saturn 07-08-2006

Mer :01:46

Sun 20:53

Sat 20:53






Mn 24:00







Kt :03:28



Astrology Discussion:-


ž      The conjunction happens in the Ayana point a cardinal sign of Cancer. Cardinal sign are sensitive point as they depict resolution and birth a new form, it is sign germination.



ž      The sign Cancer ruled the fourth sign of zodiac and governs the parts of the   breast and upper abdominal region. It also depict areas of Mobile properties. Domestic peace also ruled by this house.


ž      Ruled by Watery triplicity /on the of exact conjunction at least four planets will be in the watery sign Cancer- Sun /Saturn/ Venus Pisces- Rahu.


ž      As Saturn already transit his enemy’s house/ the conjunction with sun will make him combust and becoming more depressive /melancholic.


ž      Sun and Saturn conjunction will make the sun becoming weaker and loosing power in the sign of Cancer.


ž      The conjunction of Soul ( Sun) and Yama(Saturn)in the sign of Mind (Moon) is esoterically significant. It depict intensity for renunciation and liberation of Soul.  


ž      As the sun ingress into Cancer (Kataka)on 16/07/2006 the moon will be in conjunction with Rahu in Pisces a watery sign will again proof to a state phobia will prevail in political arena.


ž      The conjunction happens in Aslesha which belongs to Natchatira Ghandhantha as Aslesha happens to be last constellation beginning from the Aswini and ending up with Aslesha from Watery sign before the beginning fiery element again.


Astrological Implication



Saturn & Sun conjunction in Cancer will put many democratic nations into politic uncertainty. As the Sun depict the ruling government will become weak in the hands of Saturn will create oppression against the ruling parties.



Citizen of Democratic nations will tend have a negative outlook of the government policies.



Sun & Saturn being conjunction in a watery and the conjunction happens in the Navamsa of Magaram, issues pertaining to petroleum product will once again get the attention of world leaders especially the producers.



Saturn rules labor forces and senior servant of the nation and sun rules administration hence wages and strikes by the labour union are likely to happen.



As Venus will become conjunct with Mer/Saturn/ Sun likely chance a senior and veteran actor may fall ill. Scandal involving actors and Politician are not ruled out.



As Sun Transit Cancer with Mercury /Venus/ Saturn and the sign of cancer is the zodiac sign “churning of the ocean milk” in mythology and birth of Mahalakshmi. Those  performing  sradha should make use of this opportunity as performing sradaha on this constellation will beget brave children.



As the constellation involved in Aslesha which ruled by Sarpa-Athisehan-Serpent with thousand head. Such conjunction may bring beneficial effect for those performpooja to Naga Doshas(sarpa Doshans)



As Saturn rules lower caste/servants and also slaves issue pertaining oppression of lower caste. Political issue pointing suppressing of lower caste may be become concern of political parties.


Implication of Drekkana

The exact conjunction of Saturn & Sun occurs in serpantine drekkana ruled by Jupiter according to Brihat Jataka the third drekkana as described as follows:-

“Third Drekkana of Cancer represents a man covered with serpents, adorned with many golden ornaments, with a face flattened, crossing the ocean in a boat in order to make his wife rich and adorned with  gold and jewelery.  This is a serpentine decanate, human & watery.


There may attempt to search /reveal ancient treasures of the world. Important places like pyramids/ ancient temples /ancient civilization may be made known to the world.


Impact on Indian Nation

The conjunction of Saturn and Sun will have significant influence on India and the conjunction occur in the month indepence.


Independence Chart





Exact conjunction Saturn & Sun



Just  10 Days ealier





Just 8 days ealier


As conjunction only changed as far as drekkana concerned , the pre independence conjunction occurred in the 2nd drekkana (ruled by Mars) while the current conjunction happens in the 3rd  drekana (Rules by Jupiter). As the 3rd house from the independence lagna is involved and the Janma Rasi of India involved aspecting the 9th house the following can be aspected:-

ž      Religious laws may review or reformed. Religious head will face critical times.

ž      Scientific invention especially involving computer technology will get world recognition.

ž      Foreign relation pertaining to industrialization will be enhanced.

ž      Journalism and publishing sector will have sudden boost.



Saturn and Sun conjunction in Cancer will be as much challenging to the politician of the world as it has the tendencies expose scandals and weakness of the governments. The effect on the sign of Cancer will be prominent as in Navamsa Saturn & Sun aspect Kataka Rasi from Magara. Saturn will continuously mould the international relations and domestic affairs.

Written  finished on 16-06-2006 @6.55pm

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