Solar Eclipse and The great Inferior planet conjunction 09-04-2005

     On 08-04-2005 the world will once again witness an eclipse involving basically the southern hemisphere. The Greatest eclipse will occur at 20.36 UT (Malaysian Time 09-04-2005 4.36am).What is more peculiar at this period of time is the Great conjunction of inferior planet in the sign of Pisces. The 12th house of the zodiac, the house owned by Jupiter known as Jiva among the the planets. The inferior planetary conjunction will occur in the star of Revathi. This could be the first planetary conjunction without  the malefic planets basically Saturn , Mars away from ecliptic point. However this eclipse is very significant both major planet of the Solar system such as Saturn and Jupiter aspect the ecliptic point. Saturn with its powerful 10th aspect and Jupiter with its 7th aspect. Jupiter conjunct with moksha planet Ketu is a great point to notice.

Planets on the Day Great Conjuction of Inferior Planets

  Rh Mer(R)Sun,Ven,Mn     Sat  



Some significant astrological points to notice:-
1) The eclipse occurs in the last drekana of pisces. The lord drekana being Mars. It is cruel sarpa drekana. Birhat Jataka describes it  "The last drekkana of Pisces represents a man crying in a pit in a forest, naked and covered over his body by serpents and with a mind distracted by thieves and fire ".It is quite significant from the above statement from Brihat Jataka that this ecliptic point as its own description pertaining to mundane affairs. Alan Leo puts its as sedition, cruelty, furiousness and inhumanity of soldiers.The eight navamsa of Pisces is involved with Kumbam being symbol of worship.
2)The a peculiar aspect from Jupiter conjunction with Ketu. Jupiter / Ketu conjunction highly signifies spiritualism.Sacred places, shrines, religious institutions, vedatins of higher order. In the house of virgin (Kanya) very highly denotes women with high degree of religious values.
3) Parivartha between Buthan (mercury) and Jupiter. Mercury in debilitation conjunction with Rahu and exalted Venus in parama Uccha  is also combust.
4) The the time of eclipse the formation of all planets occupying 4 sign forms kedara yoga.
5) Majority of planets are occupying Ubaya Rasi (Common signs) -Saturn in (Gemini),Jupiter&Ketu(Kanya),     Sun,Mer,Venus,Moon,Rahu (Pisces).

The Sign Of Pisces.

This the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Jupiter, an exaltation sign for Venus, debilitation sign of mercury. Pisces a  symbols of a pair of fish conjoined in opposite direction. Probably explaining opposite poles( Positive & Negative) , sign dominated by water, a third triplicity ,  Pisces dominated North-western site, In Human body it depict the lower feet. Pisces as being the last in the zodiac sign could taken as the end of time, the beginning of  a new are, birth new ideology as it rules sign of Jupiter. Places of worship, shrines, embodiment of jewelers, Holy places may also be associated with Pisces. Springs, waterfall, ponds do depict an ruled by Pisces.As per Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira ,Pisces resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. This Rāśi is strong at night. It is a watery Rāśi and is predominant with Sattva-Gun. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter. It is footless and has a medium build. It rules the North and rises with both head and back. It is ruled by Jupiter. This is how the twelve Rāśis, each of 30 degrees extent, are described to evaluate gross and specific effects. 
Countries ruled by PiscesInclude Portugal, Normandy, northern Egypt, Alexandria, Rheims in France, Calabria in Sicily, Worms and Ratisbon in Germany and Compostella in Spain.
Pisces described. Pisces resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. This Rāśi is strong at night. It is a watery Rāśi and is predominant with S
Revathi Natchatira
Revathi 28th star of the Vedic zodiac, equivalent to 'Ar-Risha (The Band) of the Arab Manzil. Revathi means wealthy or abundance, it consist of 32 star resembling a drum, The presiding deity of this star is 'Opushan' meaning the prospere. Abudance & Properer are key words pertaining to Revathi Natchatiram. Revathi promises material prosperity, its symbol being elephant. Revati rules over aquatic products as well as fruits, flowers, salt, gems, conch shells, pearls, lotus flowers, perfumes, flowers, traders and sailors. Its covers legal matters, Quality of judgment, Revathi also depicts stock markets, Universities, currency, revenue.
Some Major Incident  that can occur during this period

1)   Famous actor will face defamation .

2)   Place such as Monuments/Shrines/Temples needs to placed under constant guard.

3)   Senior politician will be asked to retire or alienated from politics.
4)   Costal countries may face dangers from natural disaster
5)   Religious math will be under government probe.
6)   Religious leader/ and great seekers of truth will seek for emancipation.
7)   Extreme draught will occur in certain parts of the world.
8)   More venomous/ mysteries disease may appear to baffle medical fraternity.
9)   Islamic countries will make new resolutions to strengthen their solidarity and international standing.
10) Countries ruled by monarchies will review or revive  their religious standings.
11) Bank robberies & kidnapping will increase.
12) Escape from detention centers are likely.
13) Stock Market may stumble.
14) Embassies need to be under constant guard.
15) Kidnapping and pirate activities will increase

Effect on Certain Rasis

Mesham The eclipse occurs at your 12th place, there will be unexpected expenditure, loss and theft, abdominal pain, poor sleep
Rishabam More income, sudden unexpected gain, success in may endeavors. long and pending government will favor you
Mithunam Major decision in Job, Carrier uplift, more recognition for your service. Back biting will be there
Katagam Eclipse occurs at your 9th pace, more religious dealing will benefits you, contact with guru will augur you well.
Simham The eclipse occurs at your 8th place, This month be very significant in your life. You have good transit of Guru and Saturn. Watch for health problem, and legal issues. Some souls disturbing incidents.
Virgo Conjunction at the 7th house in particular, sex implication are there. Quarrel misunderstanding with spouse. conflict of opinion with partners will be felt.
Thulam The transit mainly concern your 6th house, with Saturn in 8th house indicated sickness, worries, troubles by women, misled by wrong advice
Viruchagam The eclipse occurs at your 5th place. Primarily concern your speculation, children and faculties of the mind, generally this transit will lots of tension, blood pressure may go up, surprising news about your children will be of great concern.
Dhanus Domestic happiness will be disturbed, relation with opposite partner needs watch, don't indulge in over pleasure, some leakage in the house/ vehicle is possible
Magaram Saturn in the 6th/ Jupiter in 9th /conjunction in the third house augurs well for you this month, you will succeed in many things, relation with your neighbor need a bit of concern/ many short travels/ editors will be honored.
Kumbam Saturn in the 5th/ Jupiter in the 8th/ conjunction in the 2nd place/ intoxication is possible, watch for health troubles/ be away from unnecessary arguments.
Meenam Conjunction and Graha Yuddha in the Rasi, aspect by Guru, and Saturn, this will boost you/ you will shine well/ will get attention of mass/ your opinion will be accepted. Watch for sun the 6th lord being eclipse in lagna may cause migraine & Blood pressure to should up
The current solar eclipse mainly determine the signification of Mercury or Butha, since the stellar position of eclipse falls in the Star of Mercury and basically major planets are aspecting the ecliptic point from the sign of mercury (Saturn in Gemini), Jupiter (Kanya) both are mixed signs and eclipse too falls in the mixed sign(Ubaya Rasi). The effect of the eclipse many not be imminent but may take weeks to show up, as per Tajaka.
Brihat Jataka:-
"Eclipse taking place in sign of Pisces would affect the shores of oceans and the articles such as pearls obtained from the sea-bed, foresters, scholars and those whose profession from water or water products".
Remedial measures:-
Chant Gayatri Mantra daily.
Chant Mrithunjaya Mantra.
Perform Nava Graha Thavam-Meditation.
Pray to Sun God" Om Hreem Suryaaya Swaha"
Perform Sarpa Mantra to reduce evil effect of the Eclipse.
Note: Since Rahu/Conjuction with Sun aspected by Saturn will cause evil spirits dominate weak souls.Drink "Theertham after chanting mantra" orally.

Dedicated to My Master His Holiness Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj


Written 20-03-2005

If you any question please contact me [email protected]

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