The first quarter of the New Year will cause a lot global events which may disturb the global peace as the transit of planets will be quite adverse. The transits Mars and Sun and its opposition with Saturn in retrograde are indications for world tensions. This will be followed by Partial Solar eclipse on 19 March 2007 and lunar eclipse on 3 March 2007.


Transit Of Planets:-


Mars will through bad aspect on transiting  Saturn from 11-01-2007(8th Aspect)


Saturn will be in retrograde, it will receiving the bad aspect of Mars from11-01-2006.


Mars opposition 7th aspect will occur from 18-02-2006


Exact opposition of Mars will occur on 23/24/03/2007.


From14-01-2007,Sun will become mutual opposition with Saturn.


Solar eclipse on 19 March 2007


Lunar eclipse on 03-03-2007 occurring in Leo with Mars aspect 8th aspect will fall on Moon & Ketu.


Mars conjunction with Rahu will occur from 29-03-2007 to 8-05-2007,the exact conjunction will occur on 24-04-2007

Saturn will be transiting in leo during the beginning of its retrogression, the retrogression will commence on 6-12-2006 will last till 19-04-2007, during this retrogression period Saturn will ingress back into Cancer on 10-01-2007 and will ingress and become direct on 20-04-2007,Saturn will ingress into Leo on 16-07-2007.  


Mars will aspect the Transiting Saturn in Retrogression for a period from 10-01-2007 to 29-03-2007 a period of 78 days. Mars and Sun will be in conjunction from the 09-01-2007 to 15-01-2007.Sun will oppose Saturn from 14-01-2007,Exact opposition will occur on 10-02-2007, during this period Saturn will be aspect by Sun and Mars.


Astrological significance:-


  • Mars will be aspect Saturn in retrogression throughout aspect.
  • Mars aspect retrograde Saturn from his exaltation point where Satrun transit Mars Debilitation point.
  • Mars dispositer will be Saturn itself.
  • Mars will continuously being afflicted and affliction other planets too. Mars become associated with Sun and Rahu in its transit.
  • Saturn will start its retrogression from its debilitation navamsa Aries in Martian House.
  • Mars will be opposition with Saturn in Navamsa(Virgo & Pisces) 31/1/2007 to 4/1/2007, conjunction in Kumbam Navamsa from 24/02/2007 to 26-02-2007 where constellation ingress will occurs ,Satrun will move to Ayilam 3rd Patham.
  • A very noticeable point that the Mars and Saturn Transit will confine to Chara & Isthira Rasis
  • Both nodal points are nearing or touched by the transit of Mars and Saturn in Retrogressiion. Mars will be nearing Rahu in Transit & Ketu just next to Saturn.
  • This aspect involves most distance part of the the Natural Zodiac from Cancer & Leo to Capricorn and Aquarius.
  • The Saturn in retrogression will receive the 9th aspect of Jupiter from the Martian sign.
  • Saturn in retrogression will transit two drekana who lord are Sun and Jupiter. The Lord Jupiter transiting Martian house, Sun transiting the house of Saturn.


Mars aspect Saturn in Retrogression will protected by the 9th aspect of Jupiter on Saturn. Saturn aspect Mars, Mars with the power of exaltation will definitely throw more evil rays to its enemy Saturn. The period from 18-02-2007 to 29-03-2007 will more challenging to Mars than Saturn. The nodal point of Rahu will touched by transit Sun on 7/3/2007 and Mars on 24/4/2007.


The solar ingress into the the four cardinal signs are important indicators in the mundane astrology. As cardinal sign are originators or evolutionary signs. They are dynamic in nature and drastic and quick in fructification of events. Ingress of Sun into Maraka is considered auspicious for the Hindus as it marks the beginning of uttrayana, according to Mahabaratha  “It is said Bisma waited till Uttrayana to depart from mortal body”.


Impact on Nations:-

As the sun ingress in to Magara, Saturn becomes atmakara as it has transitted 29:44 in Kataka in Pisces Navamsa, being retrograde will cause sorrow to other, as Saturn depicts elderly person, Pisces a sign of emancipation and a sign of Jupiter. Most a famous religious person will leave the mortal body.

As per Jaimini Sutras:-


“Uchhe dharmanityata kaivalyam cha”


If the Atmakaraka occupies Meenamsa, the person will be fond of virtuous deeds and charities, and will take residence in Swargadi Lokas or will attain to the final bliss or what is called by the Sanskrit writers Moksha or final emancipation or freedom from rebirths.


United States of America:-

The at the time solar ingress in to Capricorn 29:34 deg rises in Sagittarius. Lagna falling in Vargottama Navamsa. Mars occupies Lagna, and Jupiter occupies the wary sign with stable Mars and Jupiter in Own Navamsa. The 8th house occupies by Saturn in Retrogression aspect by Mars.Mars in conjunction with Rahu Debilatation Navamsa will constantly put the Nation into terrorist fear. As lagna lord in the 12th house with 8th lord in debilitation will make the ruling government unfavorable. Domestic peace will be disturbed, ruling government will be criticized for over expenditure on foreign affairs.The president lagna being Cancer, and Rasi being Virgo,Saturn retrogression aspect of Mars/Sun on the Natal Lagnam not only will make tension prone, and political uncertainly will rule especially when the time eclipse occurring 8th from his Lagna.


North Korea

Leo rises with 20:49  at North Korea with Libra Navamsa, The Lagna Lord in the 6th house with mercury 2nd & 11th lord and Saturn in the 12th.Ketu and Rahu in the 7th axis, foreign relation will be subjected tp tensions and Pyongyang will have less say as the 2nd lord is weak in the 6th house.10th lord Venus in the 6th place with lagna lord will put the North Korean president in dilemma, as Mars/Rahu in 8th house from Libra Navamsa.




Cancer rises with 19:11, Dhanus Navamsa,Saturn Retrograde in Lagna,aspect the 7th house.Jupiter occupies Lagna in Navamsa will open the way for democratic move. Jupiter and Moon conjunction in the 5th bhava will augur well for Thailand aspecting 11th house, a smooth transition. In navamsa Saturn occupies 4th bhave and aspect Rahu & Mars in the 6th place calls for domestic violent from subversive elements. 



Cancer rised 3:50 with Leo Navamsa,Lagna Lord in the 5th house with 9th lord Jupiter aspecting the independence lagna Taurus.Mer,Sun,Ven in the 7th House aspect by the lord of the 7th house Saturn.Indian foreign relation will improve tremendously especially new agreement will be signed at international level.As Satrun transit the moon sign of India,3rd rasi from independence lagna, trouble will again should up with border countries especially matters not dissolved for long time. Both Yoga Karaga for Kataka Lagna aspect lagna in mundane chart, Jupiter/Mars. India will stand firm in handling the dispute with neighbor. Mars/Rahu in navamsa crosses natal lagna. Much more severe form police deployment may be necessary to counter oppressive elements.















Planet at the time of solar ingress into Capricorn

14-01-2007 17:59

New Delhi































Gemini rises with 7:41 Deg. With Sagittarius Navamsa, Lagna aspect by Mars 6th and 11th lord will not be condusive to Iraq, Violence will continue,with Jupiter and Venus aspect the Navamsa gives hope for religious reformations.Saturn retrogression in the 2nd Bava,Trade,finicial crises will burden the country more.As the 10 th lord Jupiter with Moon in the 6th Bhava will not make current ruling government smooth in enforcing the regime.


Constellation of Aslesha and Satrun Transit

Saturn retrogression in the star of Aslesha, in the 3rd drekana of Cancer, aspect by Jupiter and Mars will have mix results as Jupiter aspect will fortify Jupiter and Martian aspect will trigger natural imbalance especially Bumikaraka transit Capricorn earthy sign in opposition with Saturn in Watery Sign,may indicate massive Land Slide, as aslesha is indicative of serpent and poisonous in nature incidence of Natural Pollution such as lead and arsenic are possible. Explosion involving turbines are expected. Aslesha ,the venomous serpent, which has coiled in nature, imbedded and dormant may implicate some of the old matters to be brought into public again especially eg.scandals may be exposed, files reopened for investigation again. As aslesha represents Rakshasa Gana and Saturn represents Yama,this combination will operate in combined form as aslesya means which to cling together, tenaciously.


Saturn & Sun Opposition

Sun and Saturn opposition will be more prominent period, as both planets are natural enemies, their opposition will harm more the Sun than Saturn as it will get a good aspect of Jupiter.


§         As Capricorn happen to a sign ruling farms animals, there is a tendency for destruction of animal especially living in the mountains regions, probably due to forest fires. Animal dolphins will subject to danger.

§         Danger from Avalanche is not ruled as Capricorn depict winter solstice.

§         There may be trouble in the countries ruled by Monarch or and communist regimes will face opposition for transformation. The royalty or the aristocracy will be criticized. Prime minister in long time service will subject to downfall. 

§         As both Rasis happen to be Chara rasis which moving in nature, tendencies are more in areas of Transportation and travels specially areas crossing nations borders.

§         A strong earth quake is possible around the time of full moon as Saturn /Moon will be aspect by Mars from 29-01-2007  to 2-02-2007, as the earthy sign depict south ,southern hemisphere will be affected.

§         Dispute over the international borders will get the attention of United Nations.

§         Low class workers especially exploited labour will demand for better wages through strikes. Civil servants will demand for more wages

§         Black smith, workers in the mines will face danger.

§         Countries ruled Capricorn and Cancer will have more troubles, such as England and United states, Russia.




The first quarter of the year will have many challenges as Mars transit will be adverse, as it will aspect retrograde Saturn, followed by conjunction with Rahu, and also preceded Solar/Lunar eclipse, the sequence of astronomical events are very near and progressive will certainly implicate the world.

Written finished 10/11/2006

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