Solar eclipse on 22 Sep 2006-

The impact of severe malefic influence of Saturn & Mars


The world will witness again another solar eclipse which will confine its self to the southern hemisphere. The eclipse begins in South America passing the   Southern Atlantic Ocean, Africa and ending up in Indian Ocean. It is an eclipse that begins at the dawn as the sun rises. it travels about 320 Kilometer wide, its maximum eclipse lasts only seven minutes. The beginning time of Eclipse at 09:52UT and end up at 13:28 UT, the Total time is about 3hours and 40 minutes.


This solar eclipse will occur in Virgo at 5 Deg 21Min in Virgo,the star of Uttram 3rd Patham.The star ruled by the Sun, and it is the 12th star in the Vedic order. It belongs to Deva Gana, it is male star.


Planets at the time of Eclipse 5:10 Pm (Delhi : India 77E13:28N 40)the time of Maximum eclipse














New Delhi


5:10pm at the time of Maximum Eclipse















Sun Mars



Astrological discussion

 i) Eclipse occurs in Mutable sign Ubaya Rasi. At least five planets are conjunct in Kanya.


ii) The lord of the eclipse point itself involved in the conjunction but in its exaltation point and in it’s own house.


iii)The solar eclipse occurs as Mars in conjuction with ketu triggering sensitive events. Mercury and Mars in the Eclipse orb will behave more malefic than ever.


iv) Saturn aspect the ecliptic point from cancer with its third aspect.


v) It is a earthy sign and Bumikaraga Mars  is transitting the house of eclipse being afflicted by association with Ketu & Sun


vi) In navamsa position of planets sun /Moon/ Saturn are in the house kumba owned by Saturn. Mercury the lord of the eclipse house is assoscited with rahu.


vii) Graha mallika formed from Kataka Rasi to Thulam Rasi both starting and ending with Chara Rasi.


viii) The eclipse occurs in Naagara Karana, which is not auspicious and those born in this Karana is of evil nature, restless and unsteady, wicked, has excessive anger, and spoils his family's reputation.


As mutable sign is involved and there is a strong tendency to change or transform /quality or Nature. As Saturn aspect Mars/ketu/Sun/Moon may cause disfiguration hence tendency for a strong earthquake is there. Saturn happen to transit the 7th Tara(aslesya) from the eclipse star(Uttra)


Saravali describe the 1st decanate of Virgo as disastrous Should the death decanate be the first decanate in Virgo, one's life will end due to diseases of the head, or by wind, (gale, hurricane, or outburst of violent wind etc.,


According to Willian Lilly

In the first Decanate of Virgo, it argues the lamentable death, or pitiful end of some certain Prince or Nobleman, and a generall ruine or slaughter of men, scarcity of corn and all manner of sustenance fit for man.


Birhat Samhita describes the Eclipse in Virgo:-

 “Should eclipse occur in thee sign of Virgo, it would afflict crops, poets, writers scribes, musicians, people of the Asmaka and Tripura regions as well as countries abounding in paddy fields” (Brihat Samhita, Ramakrishna Batt ,page :53)


Transit of Mars

 “If Mars be conjoined with the eclipsed Sun or Moon, The people of Avanthi, those living on the banks of the Kaveri and the Narmada(rivers) as  well as despotic rulers would be in trouble” (page:59)


As despotic ruler is in troubled, it is most likely leaders who are long term in power may face times of uncertainly especially in countries of full sovereign including countries like  Northern Korea, Cuba.


Solar eclipse in the First Drekana of Kanya ,and Yavana Jataka describes the first drekana of Virgo as :-


“The first portion of Virgo is a black man who possesses a subtle knowledge of crafts and who knows the rules of calculating, cleverness, and story-telling. He is attached to beauty and skill, and is determined in his purpose.”


Significations of Virgo:-

Virgo depicts the following :- Virgins, love-suits. unions, materials such as ointments and rouge for face and lips, ornaments, women’s playthings, mirror, and jewel-boxes; lamps, ships, litters,  women’s crafts, poetry, listening (to music), and beauty marks; freedom from passion, eloquence, gems, jewels, incense, and such arts as telling stories and singing, farms and agricultural lands, journalism, book keeping, diplomats.


Atmakaraka at The time of Maximum eclipse

Saturn becomes the Atmakaraka at the time of Maximum eclipse occupying kataka rasi at  Deg 25:37. When Saturn become atmakara it is said the the native will have to share the sorrow of others. Probably indicating and  sacrifice and renunciation. According to  jaimini:-

“Tatakadayo dharmay”. If the Atmakaraka occupies Kumbha Navamsa the person will do charities in the shape of constructing wells, tracks, topes or gardens, temples and dharmasalas or chatrams.


Mundane Implication of The September Solar Eclipse:-


  1. Since the eclipse occurs in Kanya (earthy sign) and the ecliptic point occurs in kumba navamsa ( airy sign) and Bumikara Mars in the ecliptic sign is a strong indication for earth quake especially regions of Indonesia  and philipines and where multiple islands are situated.
  2. Kumba navamsa arise with Saturn & Moon & Sun and Saturn aspect the ecliptic point in Kanya Rasi may indicate violence and damage to holy places and ancient monuments.
  3. Sun & Mars & Ketu & Moon  conjunction in the sign Mercury and Virgo indicated harm to crops, damage to agricultural lands and as Mercury rules journalism will equally face critism.
  4. As Mars & Moon & Ketu combination depict blood and blood products and Saturn aspect this conjunction of planets in the mutable sign indicates emergency blood diseases especially virus origin.
  5. Saturn & Mars harming the Virgo’s positive attributes. As Mars ruled the 8th place from the ecliptic sign of Virgo will bring more damage to Mercury signification such as electrical failures and communication failures.  
  6. As Ketu & Mercury  Exaltation conjunction in Virgo prominent mathematical  and scientific scholarly works will attraction of scientific community. 


Impact on the Indian Nation:-

The Solar eclipse Falls in the 3rd house from the Natal Moon and fifth from the Rishaba Lagnam. At the time of maximum eclipse the rising sign is Kumba and the ecliptic point falls 8th from the rising lagna. Current dasa of Venus / Saturn bukthi where bukthi lord become vedhaga

(29-09-2003 to 28-11-2006). Concurrently the Dasa bukthi at the time of Eclipse  Suriya Dasa / Sani Bukthi (24-01-2006 to 07-01-2007)India will face challenging times especially pertaining to longevity of the ruling party and its leaders and also trouble from neighboring country.



September 22 Solar eclipse occurs under severe influence of malefic planets Mars and Saturn; however the exalted Mercury will render some protection to the Nation and the world as a whole. Political unrest & uncertainty of ruling government will be the lime light of the day. Nuclear talks will put world leaders into diplomatic chaos.

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