Last Updated 02/06/12 1800 UTC

Kino Video Technik Schacherl - Highly Recommended Braun Nizo Repair Operation!

Here is a recommendation taken from the newsgroups on a place to have your Braun-Nizo camera repaired:

"[T]he man you need to contact is called Kurt Schacherl in Germany. He's the most experienced person on the planet when it comes to fixing Braun Nizo Super8 cameras. I've been to his workshop on the outskirts of Munich and his set-up is impressive. He basically bought all the spare parts from Braun's Munich factory when production of Super8 cameras ceased in the mid 1980s. He's about the only man alive who can completely strip down and rebuild a Nizo. Only problem is he doesn't speak much English (and why should he? He lives in the German country-side.) If you can find a friend who sprechens a bit of the old Deutsch then maybe it's worth a try. I certainly wouldn't trust any of my Nizo's to anyone else but Kurt. You can contact him at:"

Kino Video Technik Schacherl
Buchhofer Strasse 22
82140 Olching, Germany
Tel: 49 81 42 12262

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