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"God Needed A Friend"
by Marigrace Iodice
Did God need another angel? Or someone He knew that would care? Someone who always thought of others And when needed was always there.

Did God need another angel? Or someone to be more helpful in Heaven above? Even though you were treasured here on Earth I guess He noticed your kindness & your love.

Did God need another angel? Or someone He knew was worthwhile? Someone who shared in His spiritual inspirations And someone with an awesome smile!

I guess God watched you from Heaven And choose someone He knew was special As I've cried to God in anger "Why did You need another angel?"

The answer hit me & it's quite simple For now I'm no longer saddened, Because, God DID need another angel . . .but he also needed a friend!

Just as you were loved, so shall you be missed.
Until we meet again, my friend!
In Loving Memory of a Very Special Person & a Very Special Friend... Khalid Shahid May 3, 1976 - September 11, 2001

My prayers and thoughts to the Shahid family and all the other families who lost a loved one because of the tragic events of September 11, 2001

Read more about Khalid on "The Wall Of Americans"

All Rights Reserved. Poems by Mare (c)2001 Thanks for stopping by! Welcomed Guest Since November 11, 2001

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Song playing is "If Tommorrow Starts Without Me" by Garth Brooks
A Special Thank You to the artistic talents of Danny Hahlbohm
The portrait used for this webpage is titled "Home At Last" Click on the graphic to see more of Danny Hahlbohm Inspired Arts
Click here to see more of Danny's artwork...you'll be glad you did!
Click here to read "For Now...I Can Only Dream"
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