Entry fee is $5.00.  Your $5 must be paid the night of the game to reserve your place for the next month.  If you cannot play, it is your responsibility to get a sub and to pay the hostess before game night.

Bunco is played with 3 tables, 4 people at each table with 3 dice.  The person sitting across from you is your partner for that game only.  Every game you must switch partners. 

If you win at table 3, you move to table 2.  Win at table 2 and you move to the Head Table.  If you lose at the Head Table, you move to table 3.  Lose at table 2 or 3 you stay at that table.  When the Head Table hits 21 points, the game is over and they ring the bell.  Winners stay at the Head Table until they loose.

POINT NUMBER: 2 THROUGH 6 on your score card.  The point number is the number you are trying to roll at the time.  The first game your point number is 2.  Increase the point number by 1 each game until you complete point number 6, then start over until you fill your score card.

DICE:  All 3 dice are rolled each time.  You continue to roll until you no longer roll a point.  If you roll your point number on all 3 dice, that's a BUNCO and worth 21 points (get the BUNCO award!)  Continue rolling until you DO NOT roll a point.

SNAKE EYES:  Anytime you roll 3 ones at the same time you have SNAKE EYES.  You lose all your points for your team and your turn.

SCORING:  If you win, circle your point number using the pen at your table.  If you lose, place an "X" over your point number.

TRIPS:   If you roll three of a kind and it's not a point number, you get five additional points and continue to roll until you do not roll a point.

GHOSTS: When you are short a player, it's the name given to the missing person.  The ghost's team mate across the table will do the rolling for their team, and can usually take credit for any of the ghost's buncos or winning rolls during the round.  (Having a ghost as a partner can be rewarding!)

ROUND: When players start rolling for a given number, say "TWOS" and continue rolling until the head table reaches 21 and rings the bell.

SET: A set is when players play five rounds in which they have played TWOS, THREES, FOURS, FIVES & SIXES.  It is common to play four sets during one evening of play.

:  Count your bunco's, wins, losses, trips, and snake eyes.

:  To break a tie each person rolls one dice - highest score wins.

                12 players                16 players

Most Bunco's           $15 prize                  $20 prize
Most Wins               $13 prize                  $17 prize
Last Bunco               $11 prize                  $15 prize
Most Snake Eyes      $ 9 prize                   $12 prize
Most Trips               $ 7 prize                   $ 9 prize
Most Losses             $ 5 prize                   $ 7 prize

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