Malerie Carnes
15 June 1990 ~ 14 August 2003
Malerie lived in Texas and was into all the things a healthy 12 year old girl enjoys, when she was suddenly diagnosed with leukaemia in March of this year.  She immediately began an intensive course of chemotherapy at Cook Children's Medical Centre in Fort Worth, as she and her family were lifted up in prayer by freinds and strangers alike from around the world.

Mal's family began to breathe again as all signs suggested that she had jumped into remission by May, but in July, the biopsy of two unusual lumps on her head revealed a second, more aggressive leukaemia which carried a very poor prognosis.

Friends encircled Mal with prayer as she prepared for a bone marrow transplant on July 29th.  We know that the Lord is sovereign in all things, the ultimate physician, and we begged Him to protect and heal her as only He knew how.

That final healing came for Malerie on the evening of Thursday, 14th August.  After six months of bravely fighting a vicious cancer, the Lord told her she need not suffer any longer.  He knelt at her bedside, lifted her gently in his arms, and carried her home to rest with Him in heaven.
Just over one month ago, I was blessed to spend the day with Mal and her mum, Cindy, at Cook Children's Medical Centre.  I thank God that it was a good day for Mal - the day before that revealing biopsy which changed so much for her.  I thank God that we were able to spend some quality time together, laughing and joking, enjoying a meal in the restaurant and a stoll along the corridors.  I will always treasure her gift of the little mint green owl, and the memory of her beautiful smile.

During my visit, I gave Mal and Cindy cushions which I had designed and hand-made for them, with the help of my friend, Margaret Chambers.  The picture below is of the cushion I made for Mal, and you can click on it for a larger image.

The quote is a biblical text, taken from the Old Testament book of Habakkuk - chapter 3, verse 19.  It reads:

"The sovereign Lord is my strength.  He makes my feet like hind's feet and leads me up to the high places."

I was delighted that Mal liked the cushion so much.  Her joy on receiving it made the hours of making it so much more pleasurable

Mal, with just a handful of the birthday gifts she received from well-wishers around the world.  Maybe you can spot the one you asked me to pass on from you.
Malerie did not lose her battle with leukaemia.  She was a brave warrior to the last, a young lady of exceptional valour who won her fight in so many different ways: by her great courage and ready smile - even through real suffering, her humility, generosity and consideration for others, and most of all, her constant faith and trust in God.  Though she did not have the opportunity to let her star shine for long here on earth, its brilliant glow has lit a thousand cherished memories the world over.  In the end, it is not the lifetime of a star that matters, but the brightness of the light that shines from within.
Don't think of Mal as gone away...
her journey's just begun,
Life holds so many facets...
this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting,
from the sorrows and the tears,
In a place of warmth and comfort,
where there are no days and years.

Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
How nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.

Think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
For nothing loved is ever lost -
And she was loved SO much
Fly high and free, Mal.  Be at peace always, and know that we will never foget you.  Your life was a precious gift, and the memory of it will light the way through the sadness of your parting.

The following was written to me in an email by Franni, a family friend who attended Mal's memorial service today, 19th August 2003, at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Odessa, TX.
"Malerie's service was so comforting. That minister knows just what to say. I know God tells him what to say but he delivers God's message in such a wonderful way.

"He told of funny things Malerie had done in her life that had us laughing and picturing her doing those things.  Like when she was fishing once - although she hated to fish - and put two poles out. She just fooled around because she really hated fishing. Got her feet tangled in both lines and caught the biggest catfish of the day.

"Another time, she caught a fish and wanted to keep it - said it was her pet. She made them drive 25 minutes across the lake to get the camera to take her pic with her fish...and she gave it mouth to mouth to keep it alive.
"Since you got to meet Mal and know her,
can't you just picture this?
"He used her Bible to give the message. Read things she had written in her Bible. Told of when she gave her heart to the Lord the first day of camp last year. He also tried to reach the lost with his message. I told him that he just did such a magnificent message. I was so impressed with him."
The two poems below were printed on the order of service.
God saw you

God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not to be
So he put his arms around  you
and whispered "Come to me."

With tearful eyes we watched you
and saw you pass away.
And though we love you dearly,
we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,
hard working hands were put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.
If You Could See Where I Have Gone

If you could see where I have gone,
the beauty of this place,
and how it feels to know you're home,
to see the Savior's face.
To wake in peace and know no fear,
just joy beyond compare.
While still on earth, you miss me yet,
you wouldn't want me there.

If you could see where I have gone,
had made the trip with me,
you'd know I didn't go alone.
The Savior came with me.
When I woke, He was by my side
and reached out his loving hand,
Said "Hurry child you're coming home
to a grand and glorious land.
Don't worry over those you love
for I'm not just with you,
and don't you know, with you at home,
they'll long to be here too."

If you could see where I have gone
and see what I have been shown,
you'd never know another tear
or ever feel alone.
You'd marvel at the care of God
His hand on every life
and realize he really cares
and bears with us each strife.
And that he weeps when one is lost.
His heart is filled with pain,
but oh the joy when one comes home,
a child is home again.

If you could see where I have gone,
could stay awhile with me,
could share the things that God has made
to grace eternity.
But no, you could never leave
once Heaven's joy you'd known,
You couldn't bear to walk earths paths
once Heaven  was your home.

If you could see where I have gone
you'd know we will meet someday
and though I'm parted from you now,
that I am just away.

So thank you family, thank you friends
for living for the Lord.
For teaching me to love him,
to trust Him and His word.
And now that I'm at home with him
secure in every way,
I'm waiting here at Heaven's door
to greet you some sweet day.
Please keep praying for Cindy and her family as they come to terms with the loss of their daughter.  Please ask the Lord to surround them with His love, and make His absolute peace known to them in the coming days, weeks, months and years.

God bless,

The fantastic folks at Quilts of Love have created
beautiful memorial for Mal.  Please do take a look.
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