05 June - 05 August 2003
Saturday 7th June

"It rained and it rained and it rained.  Piglet told himself that never in all his life, and how old was he - three was it, or four, never had he seen so much rain". 

Ok, so it wasn't THAT much rain, but it was a fair amount.  The thunder was quite feeble though, and the lightning was a downright failure - one teeny-tiny flash, then nothing.  We needed some refreshment though, and the rain brought some welcome relief to the muggy air.  Temps have been maxing out about 890F since I arrived, with humidity at about 90%.  Thank goodness for air-con everywhere.  The rain was gone by 9am, but the sky has stayed overcast all day, holding the threat of a further deluge, but none has come as yet. 

I had to forfeit Mandi's 4th birthday party today in order to sort out the cell phone.  I didn't want to do this, but realised that, with all the solo travel ahead, safety has to be my priority at this point.

My friend in San Antonio, Kay, has loaned me her spare cell phone, but I couldn't activate it over the phone because I don't have a US Social Security number, so I had to go into a local Sprint store to do the deed.  Still, no arduous task really - there is one at Washington and 5th, about a 20 minute walk from my hotel. 

I stopped at a clothes store to check I had the right directions, and was mightily glad I didn't listen to the sales assistant when she said that it was a ling walk and I should take ca cab - I don't think the majority of people in this country quite grasp the concept of legs, feet and sidewalk (pavement to us Brits)!  

I bought an ice cream on the way - a delicious coffee cream which equalled anything G&Ds could offer up, or maybe I was just very thirsty.  In the sultry heat, it melted quickly, and I felt quite greedy racing to gobble it down before it turned into mush before my eyes. 

Well, I found the store quite easily.  It was literally straight sown Washington Avenue.  Once there, I had to wait an absolute age to speak with the lady dedicated to activating phone lines because the two young men before me spent almost TWO HOURS deciding what they wanted!  When my turn came, she was most impressed by my display of patience.  I didn't tell her that inwardly it had been dissolving rapidly, but I managed to hold it together externally - you rarely gain anything by losing your temper with people, it just puts their back up and makes them less likely to want to help you. 

Anyway, once I was at the desk, the process of activating the phone was relatively easy.  I had to put down quite a hefty deposit - $125 (�83) because they couldn't run a credit check - owing to my not having a US address.  Still, I'll get it back when I go home, so I'm not too fussed.  Basically, I have a month by month deal which gives me 500 minutes of calls to anywhere in the USA during weekdays (7am-9pm) for $55 (�36) per month.  All other times and weekends are free calls.  Considering the volume of calls I'll be making, I think that's a pretty good deal.

Having lost most of the afternoon at the Sprint store, I spent the remainder of it walking around SoBe, looking at the art deco architecture for which it is so famous, and drinking in the atmosphere of trendy street caf�s and happening beach life. 

South Beach, or SoBe as the locals call it, is the art deco area of Miami Beach, and it is at the heart of SoBe that I an staying, just two short blocks from the highly photographed beach.  This is a highly sort-after spot among the rich and the beautiful, the retired and gay communities and, fitting into none of these categories, I did ask myself at one point quite why I am here!  Why?  I don't need to justify my presence anywhere.  Golly, wake up Abbey,  The heat is going to my head! 

The art deco historical district was placed on the US register of Historic Places in 1979, and underwent a major redevelopment and revitalisation  programme during the 1980s in an effort to improve visitor numbers to Miami at a time when the city was experiencing significant negative tourism publicity.  The houth hostel/hotel at which I am staying (The Clay Hotel - is a great example of the Mediterranean architecture on Espanola Way.  Al Capone once owned a casino here!  It's a little less risqu� these days though. 

Well, I'm off to get some dinner.  Take care folks. Byeeeee.

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