Name: Jack
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Hand: Left
Age: 14 in S1
Best Friend: Dal
Love Intrest: Ellie
Hobbie: Shortwave radio
Disapperance rate: 3

Jack is the genius of the Mallrats. He made a water filter, alarm system, and a wind turbine with the mechanical help of Dal. He is really smart and maakes sure everyone knows it.

He is not a risk taker and is your basic wimp. However, it was a glorious moment when he fought it out with Wolf at the end of Season 2.

He can be really sweet and he is desperetely in love with Ellie, but mostly he is a jealous cow. He is also insensitive to other peoples feelings especially when he is working, but we still love his irresistible geeky cuteness anyway.

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