Name: Jack
Appearance: Bright orangey-red hair normally in a spikey fashion, not very "cool" fashion sense - more of a nerdy intellectual type, sometimes has technical equipment in his pockets. Often wears jeans and seen in a bright shirt...
Characteristics: A brain on legs with a big heart. Intelligent, hyperactive, inventive, sensitive.

Snapshot 1

Jack's red hair early in the Tribe was like a bright flame on his head, perhaps reflecting his bright personality and the sparks of invention in his mind? Jack didn't really care what he looked like - he was not a slave to fashion and would dress in a practical way so he was comfortable when working on inventions. In the start of the Tribe he normally had his big goggles on his head or nearby because he was very busy working on a water filter, security system, wind-power electrical generator, and more...

Snapshot 2

Jack has relaxed a bit more when this picture was taken. His beige and neutral clothes have given way to a more colourful happy look, as with his colourful shirt. His hair is still bright red. Perhaps feeling safer in the mall with the mall rats, Jack is able to loosen up and relax more, showing his happy and colourful side. Jack also broke his leg at this time in an accident and had to relax literally while he recovered. This relaxing approach carried over into his fashion - Jack was more relaxed!

Snapshot 3

Jack is a happy chappy in Series 2. Love has entered into his life in the form of Ellie! Jack's happiness is reflected in his taking greater pride in his appearance now. The overly bright shirts have gone and been replaced by cool well cut fashions. Jack is in his "honeymoon" period with Ellie and dresses to impress...

Snapshot 4

Jack is still in love with Ellie later on but the "honeymoon" has settled down and they now appreciate each other for who each other is - the good points and bad points! Jack feels less need to dress to impress and dresses more as himself. He is also on his secret espionage spying missions at this time inside Ebony's fortress at the Hotel Horton & Bailey and is anxious at this time and a bit stressed. The hair is red as ever - and the shirts are bright again!...

Snapshot 5

It's series 3 and our last view of Jack (for now?) as he is led away by the Chosen. Jack's style is that of his life at the time - happy and sad. He is happy to be with Ellie and the other Mall Rats but sad that soon the situation will change! His hair is still red but is not how it used to be (spikey) as Jack doesn't have the time or inclincation to do this anymore. Time has moved on. Life has got more serious for Jack. Will we see Jack again? If so, then when? And what will Jack's style be like then?

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