Statement of Principles of the American Cannabis Society
Cannabis hemp is the most perfect plant on Earth. Every part has tremendous value. The leaves and flower tops are a recognized medicine.  The fibers make strong, durable rope, cloth, and paper.  The oil is one of the finest lubricants.  Cannabis can grow wild almost anywhere or be easily cultivated for commercial use.  Billions of people around the world sing praise to this wondrous plant which has never hurt anyone.
      Yet, there is a war going on right now against those who would freely trade cannabis.  Uncounted millions of people have been jailed, persecuted and even killed.  The American government is one of the key aggressors in this war. "Our leaders" would have us believe that cannabis is an evil that must be attacked.  This is a lie born of greed and hypocrisy.
      The American Cannabis Society is dedicated to ending this lie.  We call for an end to the unjust persecution against the herb.  We demand the release of all wrongfully incarcerated prisoners.  End this persecution!  Free the herb!
      Bob Kundert was the founder and president of the ACS.   For many years he experienced the joys and repressions of the herb.  Prez  Bob would want all who share our vision of a better tomorrow to join the American Cannabis Society.
When Pres Bob passed away he left his son Jeff and his friend Melissa in charge of ACS. Melissa had traveled and had been by Bobs side for some years and  dedicates her full time life to this cause as well as animal and environmental issues. She hopes that her information and networking will help many people  raise their consciousness to a higher level.Stand up together or individually knowing and expressing the freedom you   have. Hope for the best and expect the best! Don't let anger bring us down!
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