"High Flyin' Angel"

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We've heard the rumors, we've seen the film (and if not.. what's the matter with you guys!) And if you don't like the puns.. too bad.

Well, now finally after many promises and days of rangling here are Michiko's personal photos from the set of "Charlie's Angels".

Michiko had a great time on the film (the accident not withstanding). 
"I had a great time. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Especially Lucy (Liu) and Cameron (Diaz), very mature and funloving ladies. Drew (Barrymore) was a riot. I think she had more fun than any of us. But then she was the Producer, so I guess that was allowed."

As you'll see on this and page there was a lot of work to do, but everyone was always in great spirits.

All Photos © Nishiwaki Productions., Ltd.

Michiko with Ming Lu on the set showing off.. again.

Getting ready to repel. (See Insert at Left)

Just Hanging out. (see insert below)

Getting ready for flight.

Ming Lu, Lucy Liu and Michiko

Michiko's injury during the aerial stunt.

On the road, Again.

Michiko with Vic Armstrong, getting wired up.

Michiko and Lucy Liu

The Stunt team is ready for take off.

Feelin' a little run down?
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