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"IN THE LINE OF DUTY 3" (Wong Ga Si Je Ji III: Chi Hung Daai Do)
Plot wise, the film is fairly convoluted. But action wise, this is one of the best cop action films not made by John Woo. Michiko plays the female partner of a trio of Chinese National Terrorist who are involved in Jewel robberies throughout Japan. Hot on their trail is a Japanese detective  played by Hiroshi Fujioka (of Charles Band's 'Swordkill') who follows the terrorists to Hong Kong where he has to team up with Cynthia Khan to bring down the bad guys. The whole situation becomes personal for both parties when Hiroshi's partner is killed by the Terrorists, and Stuart Ong (leader of the terrorist and Michiko's lover) is killed by him.

Michiko's memories of the film are very fond, but she did have a problem with one aspect of the film, and that is the blood ritual that she has to perform with Stuart Ong wherein they cut each others arm and suckle each others blood. Only Hong Kong filmmakers would come up with something like that and consider it romantic. 

Of course we don't need to mention her nude scene (which we just did), as she is still embarrassed by it.

The film is remarkable in that it's original Director Brandy Yuen Chun-Yeung left the film mid-way through the shoot and was replaced by Arthur Wong Ngok-Tai. The film does not show any lacking as if the replacement director just managed to slip in some quick dialogue scenes to help fill in the drama.

Dick Wei and Michiko join forces. About as close to romance as Michiko has ever come in a film.

Michiko dreaming of wealth and luxury before being jolted back to reality by her obsessive and cancer ridden lover.

Preparing to give Cynthia Khan a royal thrashing.

Ready for action and looking just too cool to be a terrorist.
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