Witchy Woman
Use the "Back" button on your browser to return to the "Photo Gallery" There are a lot of films that Michiko is not always happy (or proud) about. This film was one of them. "Witchcraft vs. Curse" really didn't have any martial arts scenes, or anything remotely connected with acting.

Michiko places this film title at the bottom of her resume (if at all). It was nothing more than a poorly executed "level III" film produced in Thailand. The only nice thing Michiko has to say about the film is.. "Well, I did get to ride an elephant".
Sometimes.. it's the perks that make the job worthwhile.

Oh.. for those of you who are going to be sending me flames concerning the censorship of the young ladies in the last photo here. Hey, Geocities has rules. And I am trying to run a family friendly site here (zombies, vampires and Michiko not withstanding).  So give me a break.. If you haven't seen a feminine nozzle on the web by now, there's just no hope for you.

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