Wu-Shu Wonder
Use the "Back" button on your browser to return to the "Photo Gallery" In the film "The Mighty Gambler", Michiko plays a mainlander who comes to Hong Kong to visit her Brother. She of course gets into a few scrapes with a few assorted bad guys.
The film is not really a classic. It's just another of those HK productions that ape whatever is popular at the time. 
This Sibelle Hu vehicle, seems to have been devised while the producers were checking the box-office grosses of 'God of Gamblers' and 'A Better Tomorrow'

While Michiko did not do all of her own stunts (she has never claimed too), she does some really good forms fighting in this. Even with a dis-located shoulder, she still puts on a good show. You go, girl.

We have already mentioned the rift that took place during the filming of this film between Michiko and her student pictured here. These photo's were definitely taken during better times.

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