"Mortal Kombat"

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Michiko worked on one episode of this silly series that actually managed to surpass its theatrical parentage. That being said, the series was mind numbingly dull, when everybody kicks and punches the same way, over and over again, it becomes about as exciting as watching someone grate cheese.

That short little review out of the way, it must be said that the ladies on the series were all decked out in some of the most flattering costumes that Standards and Practices would allow.

Michiko's short stint on the show really did nothing for her career wise, but she got to visit Florida and has a good time with the cast and crew. So all things considered, it was a better experience that working on a Sing Hi Li film.

Check out EPGUIDES for a complete breakdown.

Flex, baby flex!


Michiko with Tracy Douglas.
Michiko with Daniel Bernhardt and an un-named stunt gal.

The deadly trio mug for the camera. Which one do you thing could really do damage? Duh!

Michiko showing off again.

All Photos © Nishiwaki Productions., Ltd.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws