"V.I.P. Episode "

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"The Last Temptation of Val"

Michiko worked on one episode of this incredibly stupefying series. This show actually makes "Baywatch" seem to have writers involved.

I know. I'm overly critical. But Pam Anderson is starting to resemble that mammary monster from Woody Allen's "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex". Just kidding! Get a sense of humor.

Enough politicizing. Michiko's short stint on the show actually wound up being an un-credited cameo, with her getting some good exposure on camera. Too bad they didn't give her any lines. Michiko had a hell of a lot of fun on the set, and bonded with everyone. She even made Sushi for the cast which surprised Pamela to no end. If only all film shoots were this peaceful.

Check out EPGUIDES for a complete breakdown.

Michiko and Dustin Nguyen, still in makeup.

Michiko with Pamela in her trailer.
(Pam: I'm sorry I hit you so hard, but I'm not trained
Michiko: It's alright. You hit like a girl anyway.)

All Photos © Nishiwaki Productions., Ltd.


 VIP  Photos © Columbia TriStar Television.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws