Final Fantasy IX Pictures
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   Princess Garnet (Dagger)

Princess Garnet of the royal House of Alexandria is the heir to the throne, and the daughter of Queen Brahne. From a very young age, Garnet has taken a keen interest in the legendary Eidolons. In her pre-teen years, she learned that the ability to summon different Eidolons lay dormant within her.

When the princess is kidnapped by Zidane and Tantalus, she decides to use the opportunity to travel the world and learn more about her latent powers. To keep a low profile while away from the castle, she adopts the alias "Dagger." Her friends use this nickname fondly. Dagger attacks with either rackets or rods, but her true power lies in her use of White Magic.
          Zidane Tribal

Zidane is a thief and a member of the Tantalus theater troupe. All of the other actors/thieves seem to look up to Zidane as a kind of older brother. He is also the favorite of his boss, Baku.
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