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3/19 - The CD is recorded. We have no idea when the final mix will be done. Soon we hope but look for it in late April. We recorded Cursed, Scared to Confuse, Eroto, Jenga and Vacant.
1/29 - M.i.C will record a 5 song CD durning spring break. Look for that soon
1/28 - M.i.C will have CD's to hand out for FREE of thier show at The Reverb that was recorded straight from the pa. It sounds decent but excpet that soon.
1/10 - Happy New Year from M.i.C. We are currently working on two new songs that are great and stray away from our normal thrashy sound. Expect them soon
12/1 - Bryan McCarty has left M.i.C for personal and private reasons. His last show will be on December 14th.
"He bought in so much into the band. He had a great technique and could do stuff so good. MiC will not be the same without Bryan. Much love and respect and the best of luck to Bry-Bry," - Chris
Come support Bryan on his last show on December 14th. Check out the show page for more info.
11/2 - Mic would like to give a respectable farewell to Nick Fee. We <3 You and you will be missed greatly! Mic would like to welcome Jeff Sale into the band.
8/30 - Bryan just got a new bass that sounds excellent. It is an Ibenez 4-string wood (Caleb, don't get upset) bass. It sounds great

8/6 - M.i.C would to welcome 2 new memebers into the band. Nick Fee (drums) and Bryan McCarty (bass). We look foward to having you.
8/3 - Chris got a brand new DOD Death Metal Distortion Pedal. He likes it alot and is much better than his old pedal!
8/2 - M.i.C would like to give a very respectable farewell to guitarest/drummer/the heart of the band, Caleb Chao. Caleb has left the band for personal reasons and will be missed greatly. We <3 You K-lib and respect your decision.
7/23 - Andy bought a new guitar. Horray, cuz is old fender really stunk and never stayed in tune very well. Good luck with the new guitar
7/22 - Hey, the new webpage is up finally. Explore and look around
7/22 - Were talking about doing a show at a secert location. Were not gonna reveal the location quite yet but come to our 26th Show and donate money to help us pay to use this secert location. It will be a rad show if we can make it happen.


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