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For those of you who don't know, the term "Wife-beater" is derived from most domestic disputes shown on TV that involve a trailer park include a male that is wearing a white cotton tank top. Though "Wife-beater" was originally a style for blue collar people has become one of the most versatile articles of clothing in fashion today. The wife beater can be worn to any form of occasion: semiformal, formal, informal, swimming. This is one piece of cotton that can do it all. It can be worn as a shirt, as an undershirt, as pajamas, or even as athletic clothing.

A "Wife-beater" is typically a simple white cotton tank top, though other colors are beginning to appear. On the forefront of this phenomenon is the musician many of us know as Kid Rock.

As you'll notice, he takes the plain white cotton concept, but he innovates, and elaborates.

Here he adorns it with this case the term "Wifebeater." Simple, appropriate, and elegant.

Here Kid Rock is shown sporting a black Wifebeater. Many other colors are available, including navy blue and camoflage.

The flames at the bottom of this one are a very stylish touch.

And if you paid attention during this article, you would notice how many different colors that match the wife beater. Red, black, and blue pants have all been used in conjunction with the Wifebeater.

Having said all of this, next time you see a person in a wife beater, you should not see the scum of the Earth. You should instead see the evolution of fashion.


The Wife Beater - Written 1/31/03


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