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Khalad shrugged. No, it's nothing like that. It's just that the men in our family all have heavy beards - except for Talen. If I decided not to wear a beard, Id have to shave twice a day.
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Oh? said Korath. But weren't you the one who was concerned about my craving for gratuitous violence? Perhaps I'll yet convince you that we're very much alike, you and I.
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I want to hear your story. First the woman. Webb's wife. She's all right? She's safe? The answer to your first question is so obvious I wonder how you can ask it.
You could have made it easier on him. - You and I, were going to have words as soon as Shal's well enough to be left alone. Bright, Raik. Threatening the barber who just saved his life.
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I was undoubtedly a father by now, and I sort of wanted to have a look at my offspring. It was probably a couple of hours past midnight when I glanced down toward the beach.
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