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I I Matthews seemed more disappointed than angry Just because we dont have armed guards patrolling the tunnels doesnt mean there arent electronic alarm systems in place You woke me out of a sound sleep, son Still Pauhno could online thank you greeting card find no words Youve just made everything a helluva lot more difficult, Matthews said, leading him back into the tunnel As he carefully shut the steel door and re-set the electronic lock, he muttered, We sure as hell cant let you loose now Wh what is that thing in there With a shrug of his square shoulders Matthews answered, Beats the hell out of me, kid Nobody here knows what it's supposed to be For a week Stoner let them test him The trimaran made rendezvous slightly before dawn with a jet seaplane His captors bundled Stoner into a wmdowless cabin and the plane flew for many hours Stoner had the you greeting card feeling they were flying roughly southwest, but other than that he had no idea of where they were going There were fresh jeans in the cabin, socks, shorts, a pullover shirt, and a pair of deck shoes All in the right sizes Theyve planned everything down to the last detail, he thought grimly The image of Cathy's bloody body floating in the swimming pool flashed into his mind again, and again his star brother instantly clamped down on the visceral emotions that would have online thank you made Stoner scream with rage and guilt They came for me, he said to himself Cathy's dead because they wanted me It is not your fault, his star brother soothed There was nothing you could do I could tear this plane apart I could kill everyone aboard To what purpose What good is an animal's online thank you greeting card vengeance, especially when it's directed at hirelings rather than those responsible for the crime Stoner knew his star brother was right But that did online thank you greeting card not erase the cold fury that even his alien symbiotes could not reach When the plane touched down in the water once more a new group of men and women entered his cabin, fitted a heavy black hood over his head, and guided him from the bobbing plane to a creaking pier and then onto solid ground They bundled him into a van of some kind and then drove for hours The brief moment he had in the sun felt hot and humid, the inside of the van was air-conditioned heavily enough to chill him When they took the hood off he was in a small windowless room that contained a narrow bunk, a wall covered with electronic monitoring equipment, and the tables, counters, glassware, and shining bright metalwork of a small but complete medical online thank laboratory He almost laughed It was nearly the same as the room he had awakened in fifteen years earlier Im a guinea pig again, he thought And a prisoner There were four men and two women, Stoner saw, all wearing starched white uniforms Physicians, nurses, orderlies They avoided looking directly at him They did not speak a word to him Stoner thought about talking to them, influencing them to let him go or at least tell him where they were His star brother asked silently why he did not do so You could walk out of here and get them to fly you back home No, Stoner decided I want to know who these people work for, and why they want me so badly You were right why online thank you greeting deal with the hirelings It's their masters I want to get my hands on The picture of Cathy came unbidden to his mind once again online Even before his star brother could clamp down on the tidal wave of grief and guilt that gushed from his glands, Stoner saw his daughter ripped apart by their bullets, flung into the pool, her young life torn from her by the intruding murderers The lava-hot surge dwindled, ebbed, nearly disappeared altogether Stoner online still saw Cathy die, still felt hatred for the men who had done it and the person who had sent them But the emotion was gone The alien presence within him damped down the inner fires almost completely Left in its place was a cold implacable determination to find who was responsible for Cathy's murder The white-uniformed silent men and women left him alone in the room There was only the one door, a conventional wooden door with an electronic lock Not a star-given energy portal that could be solid wall one instant and an open doorway the next I could pick the electronic lock in a couple of seconds, Stoner knew Maybe that's what they want to see me do It looks like they want to test me Instead, he kicked off his shoes and stretched out on the cot, hands behind his head, and pretended to sleep The light panels in the ceiling dimmed Yes indeed, Im being watched and tested Angrily he asked himself, So what else is new?
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