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Arutha said, We must strike eastward, Father, and make for the mountains. Borric nodded. But which way lies east? The tall trees and overcast sky with its defused sunlight conspired to deny them any point of reference.
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I'm sorry for you, though. I mean, I don't think we can go on after this, do you?' 'No. No, I think you're right. Of course.' He nodded again, still not looking at her.
Why do you want us to escape? The lipless mouth slit widened, mimicking a gruesome grin. The dreamssss walker wants you to esssscape. Go now, before more skin walkerssss come.
In point of fact, neither of the other Duchies could bring their full forces to bear on the Asturians since the Wacites were engaged in a war against Cherek in the northern reaches of Sendaria as a part of their grand plan to extend their power to the north and the mimbrates were engaged in their centuries-long dispute with Tolnedra in their attempt to extend their influence to the south.
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