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This reluctance reflected the economics of urban building. For most of the century, it simply was not profitable to tear down old structures, even those badly suited to their modern functions.
We arrived without incident at the city of Lep-Skatacheis. On the morning after we arrived the Doctor and I went to the King's chambers before the business of the day was due to start.
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Not me. Sanders came out of the Aldus Building at five o'clock. Tired and discouraged, he trudged back toward the Hazzard Building. The streets were wet, but the rain had stopped, and the afternoon sunlight was trying to break through the clouds.
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What was it? The essence of his magic, perhaps, guarding his loveless heart? Do you give up? Hood said, driving Harvey back onto the rocks beside Lulu.
Tell her they're great, Rydell said. Tell her thanks. Will do, said Durius. You take care. You too, Rydell said, the maps vanishing as Durius hung up.
But the syndrome wasn't like that. It was separate from him and had nothing to do with anyone or anything he, Laney, was even interested in. When he'd felt it starting, he'd taken it for granted that it would be about her, about Rei Toei, because there he was, close to her, or as close 14 as you could get to anyone who didn't physically exist.
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