MY PARENT                                     MY OLDEST BROTHER                MYSELF (milana)                            mY YOUNGEST SISTER


    They are my family in Lahat, South Sumatera. My father is civil servant in Department of Law in Lahat regency, while my mom is house wife. Gilang Satria Utama is my brother, he is studying in Poltek of University of Sriwijaya. and Annisa Tussaleha, the cutest one in my family, she is my youngest sister who still study in primary school. they are my ordinary family who are very care each other. we are separated for many reasons, I'm s scholars given by Sampoerna and I'm living in the dorm in Palembang, my brother is studying in Palembang so he is living in Palembang. While my parent and my sister are living in Lahat, my beloved regency. :)