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to a page dedicated to my boyfriend, Dustin!




Dustin is an awesome guy. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Dustin means the entire world to me. He's sweet, kind, caring, smart, not to mention very good looking, and well I could go on forever but that would take alot of pages cause he's a wonderful boyfriend.  Dustin's a very hard and dedicated worked.   We've been together for 2 years and things couldn't be anymore perfect.  I'm a very lucky girl to have found a guy like him. I don't know what I would do without him. He's the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

Anniversary Date: August 13, 2001

I Love You Dustin!!!


Star Line

Below is a couple of poems that he has wrote!!

Animated Stars

Questioning Life

What if life was only a dream,
That takes place in one night.
While we sleep peacefully in our beds,
And then wake up to the morning light.

What if life was only a theater production,
Just a long and detailed play.
With the curtains never closing until the end,
That every scene is one, single day.

What if life was only a split-second,
And actually started and ended in an instant.
What we think is long, is actually short,
In a place where all time is far and distant.

What really is the meaning of life,
No one knows, as you can see.
But for all of us, one thing is clear,
Life can be whatever you want it to be.

Animated Stars

How Do I Love Thee?

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways,

For my darling,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
And you are the gum stuck to my shoe.

You are the varnish in my hair,
And man do you ever have a great derriere!
You are the mustard on my bun,
And you make bath time so much fun.

Sweet love without you
Hell if I know what I would do.
My lust for life would be all gone,
Like a jelly doughnut flushed down the john.

You remind me of a cat on ice,
Or better yet, three camels eating rice.
Your body is like a sunny "all beef" hot dog,
And I love how you taste like a candied frog.

Honey, how do I love thee?
Well, if sweet were sweet,
then you'd be a sweetalicoius bumble bee.

Animated Stars

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