Millinger's Tavern is located within walking distance of the East Harlem Newsboys' Lodging House, on the corner of East 117th and Park Avenue. Conceivably, it's within walking distance of the Harlem Newsgirls' Lodging House as well, though (obviously) farther than from the boys' house.

A general overview of Harlem, Morningside Heights, and East Harlem. The red star denotes Millinger's general location. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version of the map.
A street map of East Harlem ("El Barrio"), running from about Madison Ave. to the East River (west - east) and East 120th to East 97th (north - south). Again, the red star denotes Millinger's. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version of the map.
A modern-day street map of East Harlem, focusing on the intersection of East 117th and Park Avenue. The red star denotes Millingers; click on the thumbnail for an enlarged version of the map.
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