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This is where I live. Nice, you'd think...

...But wait! My 100 year old, 10x10 ft 2 person room has crushed my brain. Unbelievably rediculous.

"I have holes everywhere."
Mark Fact: Knows your name better than CHEERS does.

The fire alarm went off for no reason 4 timed in 3 hours between 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM by itself. Ireland Hall is trying to commit suicide by burning itself down. Nick and Tim, represent.

My home away from home: The OSS Science Hall.

The cryptic white board conversation. What where they talking about? Let's take a look:
A metric/english conversion, temperature range, a speed. OK, very scientific and wholesome.
"Insects/birds/animals" -the plot thickens.
135 watts? Watt!?
$50, safe, one person operating. How sinister. . .
What % stops ref? HUH!? TELL ME!!!!!

Carved moldy pumkins from an ASME club meeting. Mine is the underapreciated one with the tongue in the back.

Self portrait Mark masterly took when he screwed with my camera. It's his favorite mug shot.

Mark Fact: Mark likes peppers.

The current extent of my philishopy education.

That's me! On the ATV! My first time on one, I am no longer a virgin to the off-road.

Nick and Nicky, the two love-birds, loading the gun.

Nick's dog; Bear. He's our Potato Gun Day mascot.

What am I learning here?

Tom with his state-record walleye. He's a celebrity!

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