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I've been to TWO monster truck shows in the last TWO months. That is a new record for me. Here are some of the hightlights: (pardon the humongous pictures)

Team Meents, a champion freestyle guy, became stuck backwards when attempting to crush an indestructable dumptruck.

A guy named Demoman knocked down a wall of cars. He said his truck broke when he did this.

We got "exclussive" pit passes with 100,000 other people.
This is the rear end of the super truck that won in the races
that took place after. "Buckin' Nuts." Y-y-yyep.

I saw this buick Le Sabre in the parking lot. It is one of the most intimidating cars I have ever seen.

Mark "MAK ATTA-AK" at the big show.
Mark Fact: Owns two fish that fight regularly.

Here's DAVE! The bro' with mo'. This much fun should be illegal.
And take a look at that crowd. Monster trucks = MN state past-time.

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