How to make pulverone

Here is the method I use to make pulverone. I'm not too sure as to how accurate it is as I haven't read too much about how to make it and her I am advising it. ha-ha good luck all!

Start off by getting the desired amount of meal powder and placing it in a mortar & pestle, bowl etc,(i used the powder from my last batch which was too fine) now moisten this mix with some ethanol/water (50-50) this is only if you have some dextrin in the meal. I myself use "crisp spray starch" I also use it on my stars and it works great. here's a pic of a bottle of it if anyone is interested

Here I am wetting the meal, mix this together by stirring it around. you don't want to moisten it too much though, it should hold together ok but still crumble easily







Stirring it........

















Now dump the wet meal onto a frame with some fly-wire attached to it and push the wet meal through.









Here is the difference between moist meal and "just right" meal








< "just right"


As you can see the moist stuff holds together better and ends up making little squiggly grains. These are useful for many applications but i prefer the more granulated type (left)





You should probably end up with something like this









Now that you have granulated the meal, which is now pulverone, you have to dry it!. This can be done any way. You can put it out in the sun, leave it on your desk. I use my drying box, it can dry a 30 gram batch in about 30-45 min's.


Here is my batch of pulverone resting on a screen with a peice of card under it in my drying box. It should be dry soon









I can seee yoouuu..........







Once it is dry, take it out and pass it through some screens to determine grain sizes. You will find that it forms clumps but they are weak just tap them with your finger and they should fall back to their granulated state.

Here is my huge range of sizes for my pulverone. there's coarse and medium! but considering I don't have a screen set I think I did well for myself haha

And once you have determined the sizes, here comes the fun part........ TESTING!!! yay



I hope all goes well with your pulverone making



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