Hey welcome to /SomeDay/. A Marona fanlisting. Please enjoy your stay.

Last Update - n/a
Total Members> - 1
Pending Memebers - 0
Opened - n/a
Owner - Jade
Part of// Stupid Digital

+ 24 June 2005 - Site is being worked on, hopeing to finish soon

What's a Fanlistings?// A Fanlistings is a list of people that are fans of a specific subject. It's allows fans to be listed in one directory/site. As for this Fanlistings our subject is Marona from Phantom Brave.
Why Marona?// Well, I choose Marona, because she is a cute character. And deserves more then she actually gets. I imagine people saying she's annoying or something for her bother Ash or something. I don't think thats true. She is an awesome character. Well, thats my reason atleast.
What's Phantom Brave?// Phantom Brave is a stratgey based RPG game. You might now it as a game that looks like Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, even though they look the same. Phantom Brave is no where near connected to Disgaea, unless you count the ending bonuses. The story of Phantom Brave, is about a girl named Marona and her Phantom friend Ash. Ash is Marona's sworn Guardian, and has vowed to protect Marona with his life. Marona's parents had died while on a job, Ash never told her this. So, the way Marona's parents died remains a secret from her.

Being worked on.
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