Name: "Lyco" Zuin Crimsun

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: Summer 14th

Appearance: Lyco has bright redish-orangish hair (which is actually a dyed hair color.) that is above her knees, she usually wears a point white hat looks like a witchs hat with a belt tied around it. Her eyes are dark purple (she wears something over her eyes to make them look like dark purple, though.). She wears a white dress that's slightly above her knees and also has a white belt that is tied around her waist. She wears boots that she usually has trouble walking in, causing her to trip a lot. She sometimes bleaches her hair, just to escape from her publisher. You can rarely catch her not changing her appearance, really. So, her true appearance is rare to come by. Oh, and lets not forget she hides a voice changer bit in her mouth so that her voice will sound different.


Personality: Lyco is a devious little character. She has a tendency to act out a different personality, then her actual personality. Her personality at the current moment of her little adventure is, annoying, bratty, and well.. Just down right spoiled sometimes. But, really, her personality can be confirmed as a romantic and someone who likes to speak the truth. Though, sometimes, her true personality can go a little.. Far. She sometimes acts as a “match maker” and likes to pair people off with each other, and even admits it to their faces. Which, is probably why people like to strangle her sometimes.

Short Bio: When Lyco was 12, she always had the knack for writing songs and coming up with poems right on the spot. Sometimes, she’d sing songs along with the little kids, even more so songs from shows she’s never heard of, but liked the tune. She would always meet with the little kids in the forest, and they’d sing songs for fun.

Lyco’s life was grand, everything was fun, normal life of a little kid. Everything was normal, yup! After she turned 15, Lyco left after getting a job offer for being a writer.

She became a big hit after her first book “Lagoon Blues” came out. Even though life was grand being famous and everything, she got bored of the famous life sometimes and would often run off.. Leaving her publisher in a frantic frenzy. After a while, her publisher got “smart”.. He had figured out all her escaping tactics, and would block her way ever single time. He even made a little friend.. Mister paper fan. And, every time he’d catch her, he’d say: “Why, hello there, Miss Crimsun. Where ya going today?”, then he’d hit her with mister paper fan.. Causing her to pass out and he’d drag her back to her apartment.

But, soon after, Lyco became smart, too! One day.. She decided to change her whole appearance! She dyed her hairs, used some type of things that changes her eye color. And, she changed her clothes. She even used a voice changer to change her voice. She made a plan when her publisher came to do his daily “check-up-to-make-sure-she’s-there” day, she’d escape without him knowing it was actually her.

“Hey! Zuin! Open up!” Her publisher yelled, starting to knock on her door, getting very impatient.

“Just wait a sec! I have a visitor! Jeez!” She yelled back in her normal voice, after she was done getting ready, she slowly opened the door, pulling her witch hat slightly over her face to make sure he wouldn’t notice who she really was.

“Errr.. Sorry, mister!” She said in her new voice, which sounded rather perky and happy-go-lucky, “I just needed to ask her a favor! I’ll be going now!” She said, then running off.

“… What a weird girl.” The publisher said as he watched “the girl” run off, he sighed and walked into Lyco’s apartment. “OK, are you quite.. DONE?!!” He noticed as he saw.. No one there. NO ONE AT ALL. “What the f--?!!!” He was about to swear and cuss like there was no tomorrow, but then he noticed a note “Huh.” He picked it up and started reading it.

Hey, there! Hows my good little Publisher?♥ Probably pissed right now, but that’s aside from the point. I’ll be back in like what.. A year? Maybe longer then that. But, hey! Even I need a break once in a while!! So don’t bother following me! Got that?!

Love ya lots! ♥


The publishers eyes twitched, and when he read the ‘be back in like what.. A year?’ part, that just made him even more angry. He ripped apart the paper, and then yelled in anger, “YOU MORON!!!” He yelled and started to huff and pant.. Now, WHO’S the one who needs the vacation come again?

Lyco only goes to Sunshine Village, because it didn’t seem too big of a place for people to actually know who she is. So, that’s basically the whole story of Lyco.


Likes: Teasing people, coupling people with each other, books, songs, poems, animals, little kids.

Dislikes: Bullys, Idiots, when people ignore her, when people call her an idiot, not understanding something, eggplants.

Fears: Spiders and the Dark.

Special: Lyco is pretty normal, the only thing she can do is write songs, poems, and stories. But, would that be considered something special? I don’t know. Oh, yeah, she’s a horrible cook as well.

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