Animated Gifs Page
Yes, yes, I know animated gifs are lame. If I go to a website with nothing but Gohan and Cell battling in 16-bit graphics, I usually don't stick around the page for long. But, hey, I'm not sticking them all over the page. They have their own special corner right here. I guess I'm partially doing this for people searching for animated gifs of the females of DB and partially because I'd like to add more to my site. Anywho, these gifs are free to take, no permission required, but have it known that I did not make these. So if you find one that is yours, please e-mail me and I'll either remove it or give you credit. Jesus, I'm giving everyone free images and your complaining because I used your gif? Baby. Please note this, as well. The animated gif of Lunch was made by me, and right-clicking doesn't work because it's an applet. If you'd like to know how to make it, ask and I'll be happy to oblige.
You need Java to see this applet.
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