Here you can find some of my favorite Drusilla quotes. Most are Spike/ Drusilla moments.
School Hard
Dru: Look at all the people. Are these nice people?
Spike: We're getting along
Dru: This one has power, I could feel it from the outside. Do you like daisies? I plant them but they always die. Everything I put in the ground withers and dies. Spike? I'm cold.
Spike: I've got you.
Dru: I'm a princess.

Dru: I can't see her. The Slayer. I can't see. It's dark where she is. Kill her. Kill her, Spike. Kill her for me?
Spike: It's done, baby.
Dru: Kill her for princess?
Spike: I'll chop her into messes.
Dru: You are my sweet, my little Spike.

Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example, and will have no cakes today.

Dru: The stars will align, and smile down on us.
Spike: And then, God, this town will burn.

The boy doesn't trust you. They follow him. I think that sometimes all of my hair will fall out and I'll be bald.
Dru: Miss Edith needs her tea.
Spike: C'mere, poodle...
Dru: Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?
Lie To Me
Dru: Are you lost?
Boy: No, my mom's just supposed to pick me up is all.
Dru: Do you want me to walk you home?
Boy: No, thank you.
Dru: My mummy used to sing me to sleep at night. Run and catch, run and catch, the lamb is caught in the blackberry patch...she had the sweetest voice. What will your mummy sing when they find your body?
Boy: I'm not supposed to talk to people.
Dru: Oh, well, I'm not a person, see, so that's just...

Dru: You sing the sweetest little song. Won't you sing for me, hmm? Don't you love me anymore?
Spike: Darling, I heard a funny thing just now. Lucius tells me that you went out on a hunt the other night.
Dru: My tummy was growly. And you were out. Come, on. I'll pout if you don't sing.
Spike: You, um, meet anyone? Anyone interesting? Like Angel?
Dru: Angel.
Spike: Yeah. So what might you guys have talked about, then? Old times? Childhood pranks? It's a little off, you two so friendly, him being the enemy and all that.
Dru: I'll give you a seed if you sing.

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