Name: Juliet Landau

Birthdate: March 30th, 1965

Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA

Parents:  Martin Landau and Barbara Bain

Siblings: Sister- Susan Landau

Favorite Movies: The Godfather and Dog Day Afternoon

Favorite Food: Pasta

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Books: Anna Karenina and Jane Eyre, plus many more.
Juliet was raised in Southern California among many stars. Then her family moved to London, England where, for four years, she studied acting and classical ballet at the American School in London. She devoted 5 years of her life to being a ballerina, until she returned to California to become a full-fledged actress.

She was a member of the Actor's Studio and did small parts on television. Her first movie came out in 1990, as she played a young Angelica Houston in the movie
The Grifters. After this film, she landed small roles in movies Direct Hit and Neon Hit. She then got to work aside her father, Martin Landau, in the film Ed Wood.
The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon, who had seen Juliet's work in the film Ed Wood, asked her to come in for a meeting because he had her in mind to play Drusilla; the insane clairvoyant vampire.

Many people auditioned for the role of Spike with Juliet, one was James Marsters. They had great on-screen chemistry since Juliet says there was just an instant trust between them.

Juliet says the moment that most defined the characters Spike and Drusilla was in 'School Hard' when their heads turn toward the camera. Juliet also evolved Drusilla's whimper which can be heard in episodes such as 'Lie To Me' and 'What's My Line I'. Juliet played Drusilla in the second season of
Buffy for 12 episodes. Joss wanted to bring her back with Spike in the third season in 'Lover's Walk', but she was unavailable.
She did return in Season 5 in past scenes in 'Fool For Love' and returned to present-day Sunnydale, CA in 'Crush'. She also appeared in the second season of Angel: The Series. She filmed many past scenes and made her reappearance to the present in 'The Trial'.

Juliet Landau is currently residing in Los Angeles, CA.
~Acting Credits~
Thanks to Drusilla's Garden for the Info
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