Board Members Present

Steve Lee

Trishla Mansukhani

Ed Karl

William Uranga

Peter Vogel


Merit Property Management, Inc.

Candice Mei

Janis Schock

George Skrbin


Call To Order

Steve Lee called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Homeowner Forum and Committee Reports

There was one homeowner who was present to address the Board of Directors on issues and concerns about the community. There was also a pool committee report.


Pool Closing


Motion:           Karl

Seconded:       Uranga


Resolution: That the entire pool area, including the clubhouse and the BBQ area will be closed on October 15, 2004. That the pool facility re-open on April 1, 2005.


Ayes:  All

Nays:  None


Consent Calendar


The Minutes for the Open Session of August 11, 2004, and the Financial Statements of July 31, 2004, were tabled until the October 15, 2004 Meeting.


Duvall Street Signage and Possible Fire Lane


Management was instructed to replace the Duvall No Parking sign that has been vandalized. Management contacted Fast Signs to install new sign on Duvall Street. Management. The Board would like to discuss what areas could be designated as fire lanes. This item was tabled for discussion on the October 13, 2004, Meeting.


Budget Review


Mission Park’s fiscal year ends in December. At the August 11, 2004, Meeting, Management presented the Board with a first draft of the budget. Trishla Mansukhani  explained the proposed increases in expenses for the upcoming year. Trishla’s revised budget indicated the street sweeping expense was put on the budget for next year. The Board discussed the 2nd draft of the budget.


Proxy Process


Management presented the Board with the proxies that would be mailed out for the Annual Meeting. One of the proxies that would be mailed out would be a pre-paid post card. Management will send out an Annual Meeting Notice and candidacy form on September 17th and ask the homeowners to run for office for two open seats. October 4th will be the deadline to turn in the candidacy forms. On October 11th the proxies will be sent out with a deadline of October 31st. Management was instructed to provide a list to the Board of all homeowners who have not turned in their proxies by October 20, 2004.


Request for Replacement of Trees


The homeowner residing on Lenox Place is requesting a replacement of the tree that was removed several months ago. The homeowner submitted a written request for replacement to Management on June 23, 2004. This item was tabled until the October 13, 2004, Meeting.


Quarterly Newsletter


Currently the newsletter committee creates a newsletter monthly. This monthly newsletter is posted onto the website; however, Mission Park receives quarterly billings. Kim Vogel has requested that the newsletter be created quarterly and not monthly.


Motion:           Vogel

Seconded:       Uranga


Resolution: That the newsletter be quarterly on a go-forward basis.


Ayes:  All

Nays:  None


Next Meeting


The next Mission Park Homeowners Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for October 13, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. at the Mission Park Clubhouse.




The Mission Park Homeowner Association Board of Directors adjourned at 8:06 p.m.


Approved:    ______________________________     Date: _______________________





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